AmigaOS3.5 (117/968)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:3 Jan 2000 at 12:44:27
Subject:Re: Loss support

From: "Marion E. Wyatt" <>

On 03-Jan-00 at 00:51:21, Xavier Messersmith wrote these words of wisdom:
> On 02-Jan-00, Marion E. Wyatt wrote:
>> On 02-Jan-00 at 21:58:31, Adam Szymczak wrote these words of wisdom:
>>> On 02-Jan-00, Moses Wildermuth wrote:

>>>> The loss of Amiga Web Directory, and probable loss of Amazing Amiga
>>>> could not have come at a worse moment. Just when there was some good
>>>> news to report, No one is around to report it.
>>> I should have know something was up with CUCUG since I never did receive
>>> an email asking me to renew my membership. I would like to know the full
>>> story behind the so-called "retirement". Was it a lack of resources?
>>> Lack of income? Lack of time? Was the site offered to anyone?
>> Gary Peake of TeamAMIGA offered to host AWD, Agnus Seearch, etc., but the
>> person responsible declined his offer.
> They're apparently trying to protect their copyrighted stuff.
> Why I have no clue.

I dont think so. They are going to retire the trademarks and everything.
They aparantly want to totally dump the site and all related materials and
not let someone else have it. Things might change, but this is how I
understand it at the moment. I hope I am wrong. Nonetheless someone should
have all the material and be able to repackage it on another site. Are the
entire contents of AWD on any CDs?

>> The big loss if someone doesnt have all those pages of links is the loss
>> of the massive database of Amiga links. Hopefully they will leave the
>> links in place in the future. Those links and short descriptions were
>> great and I used them a lot. I have a small Amiga page with a lot of
>> links but it is only a glimmer compared to the light that shown from the
>> AWD.
> CUCUG seems more like a corporation than a user group. (CUCUC anyone?)
>>> Life goes on.
>> Yes it does.
> IF they stab us, does it not look funny walking around with pointy objects
> embedded within us?

We'll heal :)

Marion E. Wyatt AMIGA3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1GB ZIP100 Support commercial Only AMIGA Makes It Possible!
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