AmigaOS3.5 (102/968)

From:J & J Wasilewski
Date:3 Jan 2000 at 07:21:57
Subject:(Fwd) Re: Re: WbCtrl + FBlit

From: "J & J Wasilewski" <>

To _subscribers:
I have received the following very interesting and helpful
information from Stephen Brookes.

To Stephen:
May I sugest that you subscribe if you haven't done so alreadt to
There's loads of discussion going on there about your work!


Hi John,

> Has anyone told Stephen Brookes what a fantastic amount of interest
> there is in his FBlit software, now that we have OS3.5 and WbCtrl

Not lately ;) Regarding OS3.5 Vs FBlit problems, I think two people
have contacted me directly... Three now :)

> I too have found that FBlit3.51a chucks away 300k as soon as I look at
> icon information. I too have found that FBlit2.63a doesn't lose this
> memory. It gives me 1.69MB Chip after boot-up, and lets me keep it..

FBlit's support for RTG icons is specific to NewIcons and, by default,
doesn't /quite/ work with OS3.5.

Versions of FBlit that use AddBobPatch and RemIBobPatch (~v3.47+)
will leak Chip RAM when dragging OS3.5 RTG icons, *unless* you add the
SIMPLEGELS switch to your LoadWB command (ie. change your
startup-sequence to read 'LoadWB SIMPLEGELS').

Older versions of FBlit that used the FDrawGList patch instead are
/probably/ unaffected, but as you say, contain bugs that aren't in the
latest versions.

> I have copies of FBlit 2.45a, 2.63a, 3.47 and 3.51a. Versions 3.47 and
> 3.51a come with separate FBlit.library files. I have tested FBlit and
> FBlit.library in all combinations (e.g FBlit 3.47 with

Ooo, that's a bit dangerous. Different versions of FBlit are not
always compatable with libraries, GUIs and config files from other

> Lastly, can anyone advise me on how to set up ENVARC:FBLIT.cfg in
> respect of the INCLUDES and the EXCLUDES? My FBlit.cfg has at the end
> I assume that one can add tasknames under either list but what I don't
> understand is wht /BOTH/lists (INcludes /and/ EXcludes) are there.
> Does a task get INcluded automatically unless it is EXcluded? Or do I
> have to INclude it expressly? If I do have to do this, then why is
> an EXclude list needed?

FBlit has two modes for promoting graphics to Fast RAM, these are
'include' and 'exclude' mode, each has a separate task list. In
'include' mode, only tasks listed in the include list will be forced
to use Fast RAM. In 'exclude' mode, _all_ tasks except those listed in
the exclude list will be promoted.

Manually editing the cfg file isn't really the best way of adding
tasks to the lists (at least, not for 'include' mode) since most tasks
do not actually generate graphics data that can be promoted and so
having them in the task lists simply wastes time. The current
procedure is a bit cumbersome, but here it goes anyway...

Start the GUI (officially, you do that by launching FBlit again).

Go to the FAllocBitMap page and switch on 'task logging' (this is also
where you can choose between include/exclude modes..).

Exit the GUI via the 'use' or 'save' gadgets (this is important since
the GUI only updates it's copy of the task log when you initially
launch it).

Now use the software you are interested in promoting.

Restart the GUI and go back to the FAllocBitMap page.

Select the 'lists' tab, and the relevant list ('include' probably).

Now if you select the drop down menu in the 'add task' region, it will
contain a list of tasks that can _usefully_ be included/excluded.

A couple more points about task logging... Tasks that are already in
the current active task list will not appear in the log. Also, the log
is case sensitive, so tasks may appear more than once with different
capitalization, however, the task lists themselves are (ATM) _not_
case sensitive ie. only one actual list entry is required.

Hmm, complicated :/

Voyager's task 'V' is still the only known task that cannot be safely
promoted, so it is actually simpler to run with FAllocBitMap in
'exclude' mode (with 'V' in the exclude task list), but this is more
risky, and until I get arround to finishing the FDraw patch, lines may
cause some (safe) gfx corruption under certain circumstances (which
are more common in exclude mode).


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