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To convert an AmigaBase project to a MUIbase project a small utility called ABConvert exists. It loads an AmigaBase project created with AmigaBase version 2.0 or higher and saves it as an MUIbase project. For projects created by older AmigaBase versions, please load and save them with AmigaBase version 2.4 and then do the conversion.

A Solaris binary of ABConvert can be found in the solaris directory. If you have ever problems with low memory when using the Amiga version, run ABConvert on a Solaris box and your memory problems should be gone.

To run the conversion utility type ABConvert ab-file mb-file where ab-file is an existing AmigaBase project and mb-file is a new MUIbase project to be created.

Since MUIbase is a completely new database application, only the structures and datasets of AmigaBase are converted. Programs, filters, orders, etc. must be redone using MUIbase. For converting AmigaBase programs to MUIbase ones it is best to print all programs of the AmigaBase project and then use the guidelines described in the text file `PortingABPrograms' for converting the programs.

Please note, that the terms used in AmigaBase have been renamed in MUIbase, e.g. an AmigaBase `record' is now called `table', a `variable' is now called `attribute' and a `dataset' is now called `record'.

MUIbase is relational. Therefore the hierarchy of an AmigaBase project has to be converted into tables. This is done by adding reference attributes to each table (except for the "root" table) which point to the "parent" record.

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