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Search for

For record browsing you can use a search requester to search for a specific record. The search feature uses a search pattern that you provide and checks all records for a successful match with this pattern. If it finds one then this record will be displayed in the table mask.

Search requester

To open the search requester select menu item `Table - Search for'. This will open a window containing

After you have entered a search pattern and left the requester with the `Search' button MUIbase starts searching for a matching record. The comparison of an attribute field with the search pattern is always done string based, attribute fields of non-string types are therefore converted to strings first.

If a matching record is found, it is displayed as the current record in the table mask. Otherwise an `Search pattern not found' message appears.

If you search on an attribute that is used as the first attribute for ordering and your search pattern doesn't start with a joker (`*' or `?') then an improved search algorithm (binary search) is used that makes use of the record order. This can speed up the search drastically.

Forward/backward search

Two further menu items allow to search for the next and the previous occurrence of the search pattern. Select menu item `Table - Search forward' for browsing to the next record that matches the search pattern, and `Table - Search backward' to go to the previous matching record.

Search pattern examples

Here are some search pattern examples:

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