struct UnicodeCompressor

The UnicodeCompressor struct

int32_t fCurrentWindow
Alias to current dynamic window
int32_t fOffsets[ USCSU_NUM_WINDOWS ]
Dynamic compression window offsets
int32_t fMode
Current compression mode
int32_t fIndexCount[ USCSU_MAX_INDEX + 1 ]
Keeps count of times character indices are encountered
int32_t fTimeStamps[ USCSU_NUM_WINDOWS ]
The time stamps indicate when a window was last defined
int32_t fTimeStamp
The current time stamp
uint8_t fBuffer[ USCSU_BUFSIZE ]
Internal buffer for saving state
int32_t fBufferLength
Number of characters in our internal buffer


The UnicodeCompressor struct
int32_t fCurrentWindow
Alias to current dynamic window

int32_t fOffsets[ USCSU_NUM_WINDOWS ]
Dynamic compression window offsets

int32_t fMode
Current compression mode

int32_t fIndexCount[ USCSU_MAX_INDEX + 1 ]
Keeps count of times character indices are encountered

int32_t fTimeStamps[ USCSU_NUM_WINDOWS ]
The time stamps indicate when a window was last defined

int32_t fTimeStamp
The current time stamp

uint8_t fBuffer[ USCSU_BUFSIZE ]
Internal buffer for saving state

int32_t fBufferLength
Number of characters in our internal buffer

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling