Count of errors from all tests

Creates Unicode Conversion Object will default to LATIN1 <-> encoding
UnicodeConverterCPP(const char* name, UErrorCode& err)
Creates Unicode Conversion Object by specifying the codepage name
UnicodeConverterCPP(const UnicodeString& name, UErrorCode& err)
Creates a UnicodeConverter object with the names specified as unicode strings
UnicodeConverterCPP(int32_t codepageNumber, UConverterPlatform platform, UErrorCode& err)
Creates Unicode Conversion Object using the codepage ID number
void fromUnicodeString(char* target, int32_t& targetSize, const UnicodeString& source, UErrorCode& err) const
Transcodes the source UnicodeString to the target string in a codepage encoding with the specified Unicode converter
void toUnicodeString(UnicodeString& target, const char* source, int32_t sourceSize, UErrorCode& err) const
Transcode the source string in codepage encoding to the target string in Unicode encoding
void fromUnicode(char*& target, const char* targetLimit, const UChar*& source, const UChar* sourceLimit, int32_t * offsets, bool_t flush, UErrorCode& err)
Transcodes an array of unicode characters to an array of codepage characters
void toUnicode(UChar*& target, const UChar* targetLimit, const char*& source, const char* sourceLimit, int32_t * offsets, bool_t flush, UErrorCode& err)
Converts an array of codepage characters into an array of unicode characters
int8_t getMinBytesPerChar(void) const
Returns the minimum byte length for characters in this codepage
UConverterType getType(void) const
Gets the type of conversion associated with the converter e
void getStarters(bool_t starters[256], UErrorCode& err) const
Gets the "starter" bytes for the converters of type MBCS will fill in an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if converter passed in is not MBCS
void getSubstitutionChars(char* subChars, int8_t& len, UErrorCode& err) const
Fills in the output parameter, subChars, with the substitution characters as multiple bytes
void setSubstitutionChars(const char* subChars, int8_t len, UErrorCode& err)
Sets the substitution chars when converting from unicode to a codepage
void resetState(void)
Resets the state of stateful conversion to the default state
const char* getName( UErrorCode& err) const
Gets the name of the converter (zero-terminated)
int32_t getCodepage(UErrorCode& err) const
Gets a codepage number associated with the converter
UConverterToUCallback getMissingCharAction(void) const
Returns the current setting action taken when a character from a codepage is missing
UConverterFromUCallback getMissingUnicodeAction(void) const
Return the current setting action taken when a unicode character is missing
void setMissingCharAction(UConverterToUCallback action, UErrorCode& err)
Sets the current setting action taken when a character from a codepage is missing
void setMissingUnicodeAction(UConverterFromUCallback action, UErrorCode& err)
Sets the current setting action taken when a unicode character is missing
void getDisplayName(const Locale& displayLocale, UnicodeString& displayName) const
Returns the localized name of the UnicodeConverter, if for any reason it is available, the internal name will be returned instead
UConverterPlatform getCodepagePlatform(UErrorCode& err) const
Returns the T_UnicodeConverter_platform (ICU defined enum) of a UnicodeConverter available, the internal name will be returned instead
static const char* const* getAvailableNames(int32_t& num, UErrorCode& err)
Returns the available names
static int32_t flushCache(void)
Iterates through every cached converter and frees all the unused ones


Count of errors from all tests. May be reset.
Creates Unicode Conversion Object will default to LATIN1 <-> encoding
An object Handle if successful or a NULL if the creation failed

UnicodeConverterCPP(const char* name, UErrorCode& err)
Creates Unicode Conversion Object by specifying the codepage name. The name string is in ASCII format.
An object Handle if successful or a NULL if the creation failed
code_set - the pointer to a char[] object containing a codepage name. (I)
UErrorCode - Error status (I/O) IILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will be returned if the string is empty. If the internal program does not work correctly, for example, if there's no such codepage, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR will be returned.

UnicodeConverterCPP(const UnicodeString& name, UErrorCode& err)
Creates a UnicodeConverter object with the names specified as unicode strings. The name should be limited to the ASCII-7 alphanumerics. Dash and underscore characters are allowed for readability, but are ignored in the search.
the created Unicode converter object
code_set - name of the uconv table in Unicode string (I)
err - error status (I/O) IILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will be returned if the string is empty. If the internal program does not work correctly, for example, if there's no such codepage, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR will be returned.

UnicodeConverterCPP(int32_t codepageNumber, UConverterPlatform platform, UErrorCode& err)
Creates Unicode Conversion Object using the codepage ID number
An object Handle if successful or a NULL if failed
code_set - a codepage # (I) @UErrorCode Error status (I/O) IILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will be returned if the string is empty. If the internal program does not work correctly, for example, if there's no such codepage, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR will be returned.

void fromUnicodeString(char* target, int32_t& targetSize, const UnicodeString& source, UErrorCode& err) const
Transcodes the source UnicodeString to the target string in a codepage encoding with the specified Unicode converter. For example, if a Unicode to/from JIS converter is specified, the source string in Unicode will be transcoded to JIS encoding. The result will be stored in JIS encoding.
source - the source Unicode string
target - the target string in codepage encoding
targetSize - Input the number of bytes available in the "target" buffer, Output the number of bytes copied to it
err - the error status code. U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR will be returned if the the internal process buffer cannot be allocated for transcoding. U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned if the converter is null or the source or target string is empty.

void toUnicodeString(UnicodeString& target, const char* source, int32_t sourceSize, UErrorCode& err) const
Transcode the source string in codepage encoding to the target string in Unicode encoding. For example, if a Unicode to/from JIS converter is specified, the source string in JIS encoding will be transcoded to Unicode encoding. The result will be stored in Unicode encoding.
source - the source string in codepage encoding
target - the target string in Unicode encoding
targetSize - : I/O parameter, Input size buffer, Output # of bytes copied to it
err - the error status code U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR will be returned if the the internal process buffer cannot be allocated for transcoding. U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned if the converter is null or the source or target string is empty.

void fromUnicode(char*& target, const char* targetLimit, const UChar*& source, const UChar* sourceLimit, int32_t * offsets, bool_t flush, UErrorCode& err)
Transcodes an array of unicode characters to an array of codepage characters. The source pointer is an I/O parameter, it starts out pointing at the place to begin translating, and ends up pointing after the first sequence of the bytes that it encounters that are semantically invalid. if T_UnicodeConverter_setMissingCharAction is called with an action other than STOP before a call is made to this API, consumed and source should point to the same place (unless target ends with an imcomplete sequence of bytes and flush is FALSE).
target - : I/O parameter. Input : Points to the beginning of the buffer to copy codepage characters to. Output : points to after the last codepage character copied to target.
targetLimit - the pointer to the end of the target array
source - the source Unicode character array
sourceLimit - the pointer to the end of the source array
flush - TRUE if the buffer is the last buffer and the conversion will finish in this call, FALSE otherwise. (future feature pending)
UErrorCode - the error status. U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will be returned if the converter is null.

void toUnicode(UChar*& target, const UChar* targetLimit, const char*& source, const char* sourceLimit, int32_t * offsets, bool_t flush, UErrorCode& err)
Converts an array of codepage characters into an array of unicode characters. The source pointer is an I/O parameter, it starts out pointing at the place to begin translating, and ends up pointing after the first sequence of the bytes that it encounters that are semantically invalid. if T_UnicodeConverter_setMissingUnicodeAction is called with an action other than STOP before a call is made to this API, consumed and source should point to the same place (unless target ends with an imcomplete sequence of bytes and flush is FALSE).
target - : I/O parameter. Input : Points to the beginning of the buffer to copy Unicode characters to. Output : points to after the last UChar copied to target.
targetLimit - the pointer to the end of the target array
source - the source codepage character array
sourceLimit - the pointer to the end of the source array
flush - TRUE if the buffer is the last buffer and the conversion will finish in this call, FALSE otherwise. (future feature pending)
err - the error code status U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will be returned if the converter is null, targetLimit < target, sourceLimit < source

int8_t getMinBytesPerChar(void) const
Returns the minimum byte length for characters in this codepage. This is either 1 or 2 for all supported codepages.
the minimum number of byte per codepage character

UConverterType getType(void) const
Gets the type of conversion associated with the converter e.g. SBCS, MBCS, DBCS, UTF8, UTF16_BE, UTF16_LE, ISO_2022, EBCDIC_STATEFUL, LATIN_1
the type of the converter

void getStarters(bool_t starters[256], UErrorCode& err) const
Gets the "starter" bytes for the converters of type MBCS will fill in an U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if converter passed in is not MBCS. fills in an array of boolean, with the value of the byte as offset to the array. At return, if TRUE is found in at offset 0x20, it means that the byte 0x20 is a starter byte in this converter.
starters - : an array of size 256 to be filled in
err - : an array of size 256 to be filled in
See Also:

void getSubstitutionChars(char* subChars, int8_t& len, UErrorCode& err) const
Fills in the output parameter, subChars, with the substitution characters as multiple bytes
subChars - the subsitution characters
len - the number of bytes of the substitution character array
err - the error status code. U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will be returned if the converter is null. If the substitution character array is too small, an U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR will be returned.

void setSubstitutionChars(const char* subChars, int8_t len, UErrorCode& err)
Sets the substitution chars when converting from unicode to a codepage. The substitution is specified as a string of 1-4 bytes, and may contain null byte. The fill-in parameter err will get the error status on return.
cstr - the substitution character array to be set with
len - the number of bytes of the substitution character array and upon return will contain the number of bytes copied to that buffer
err - the error status code. U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if the converter is null. or if the number of bytes provided are not in the codepage's range (e.g length 1 for ucs-2)

void resetState(void)
Resets the state of stateful conversion to the default state. This is used in the case of error to restart a conversion from a known default state.

const char* getName( UErrorCode& err) const
Gets the name of the converter (zero-terminated). the name will be the internal name of the converter
converter - the Unicode converter
err - the error status code. U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR in the converterNameLen is too small to contain the name.

int32_t getCodepage(UErrorCode& err) const
Gets a codepage number associated with the converter. This is not guaranteed to be the one used to create the converter. Some converters do not represent IBM registered codepages and return zero for the codepage number. The error code fill-in parameter indicates if the codepage number is available.
If any error occurrs, null will be returned.
err - the error status code. U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR will returned if the converter is null or if converter's data table is null.

UConverterToUCallback getMissingCharAction(void) const
Returns the current setting action taken when a character from a codepage is missing. (Currently STOP or SUBSTITUTE).
the action constant when a Unicode character cannot be converted to a codepage equivalent

UConverterFromUCallback getMissingUnicodeAction(void) const
Return the current setting action taken when a unicode character is missing. (Currently STOP or SUBSTITUTE).
the action constant when a codepage character cannot be converted to a Unicode eqivalent

void setMissingCharAction(UConverterToUCallback action, UErrorCode& err)
Sets the current setting action taken when a character from a codepage is missing. (Currently STOP or SUBSTITUTE).
action - the action constant if an equivalent codepage character is missing

void setMissingUnicodeAction(UConverterFromUCallback action, UErrorCode& err)
Sets the current setting action taken when a unicode character is missing. (currently T_UnicodeConverter_MissingUnicodeAction is either STOP or SUBSTITUTE, SKIP, CLOSEST_MATCH, ESCAPE_SEQ may be added in the future).
action - the action constant if an equivalent Unicode character is missing
err - the error status code

void getDisplayName(const Locale& displayLocale, UnicodeString& displayName) const
Returns the localized name of the UnicodeConverter, if for any reason it is available, the internal name will be returned instead
displayLocale - the valid Locale, from which we want to localize
displayString - a UnicodeString that is going to be filled in.

UConverterPlatform getCodepagePlatform(UErrorCode& err) const
Returns the T_UnicodeConverter_platform (ICU defined enum) of a UnicodeConverter available, the internal name will be returned instead
the codepages platform
err - the error code status

static const char* const* getAvailableNames(int32_t& num, UErrorCode& err)
Returns the available names. Lazy evaluated, Library owns the storage
the name array
num - the number of available converters
err - the error code status

static int32_t flushCache(void)
Iterates through every cached converter and frees all the unused ones
the number of cached converters successfully deleted

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling
contact: doc++@zib.de