Welcome to the Amiga Apache Server project!

Here you can find the latest version of the Amiga Apache http server and information about the project. The Amiga Apache http server project is completely runned by volunteers. The porting is done by Jeff Shepherd, who contributed the networking code to the Ixemul.library project and did the latest port of Apache 1.3.6. Rüdiger Kuhlmann has contributed to the Apache 1.3.3 and 1.3.6 version and runs the mailiglist.

Read recent changes on the news page, learn about the Amiga Server Project on the project info page, look for the nearest mirror on the mirror page, download the latest diffs and binaries on to the download page, join the mailinglist on the mailinglist page, read the manual on the manual page or Amiga manual page, solve problems with the FAQ, find useful scripts and programs on the scripts page, find other server related programs on the server page, look for security scripts on the security page, download the ssl extension on the ssl page, check for sites running on an Amiga on the sites page, and to look for other useful stuff, go to the links page.

Last update: R�diger Kuhlmann.