Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3.11 (Amiga)

Installing the binary Amiga Apache 1.3.11

Choose a server root

At first, you have to choose a directoy where Apache resides in. The Apache binary is now compiled to be in /Apache (aka Apache:) in opposite to the standard /usr/local/apache. So either create a partition named Apache or assign Apache: to wherever you want.

Download Apache

Go to the download page on the Amiga-Apache home page and download the newest "binaries", "source additional" and "Amiga additional" archieves. The first contain the binaries (select the archive for your CPU), including the rexx-gate which isn't optimized yet, the second all the files originating from the original Apache 1.3.11 source archive, including the system independent binaries, the man pages, the default configuration files, the server documentation, the icons and two simple test cgi scripts, and the last one contains files specific to the Amiga, including the starthttpd and stophttpd rexx scripts, the amiga specific documentation (this here) and some more cgi scripts. Extract them with "tar -xzf foobar.tar.gz".

Configure Apache

Load the file "conf/httpd.conf" into your favourite editor and change it to your needs. All the options I changed (excluding the @@ServerRoot@@ being replaced by /Apache) or or I felt to be changed to your needs are marked by "@@". Read in the manual about the meanings of the configuration options, if the hints in the config file itself aren't enough. Take the time to read in the manual in every case.

Set up your TCP/IP stack for Apache

In the following, some configuration options have to be added. In Miami, this is done by selecting the "database" tab and the appropriate page and then entering all the data into the appropriate string gadgets. In AmiTCP, you have to edit the text files in AmiTCP:db/ by adding the following lines verbatim.

Add the port description (services):

	http            80/tcp

Add a group (group):


And add a user (passwd in AmiTCP, user in Miami):

	www|*|1001|45|Apache WWW server|Apache:|cli

Additional Modules

The modules compiled in the binary Amiga-Apache are the ones used regularly by various members of the Apache development group. Not every module compiled in has to be enabled by default; check "httpd -l" for a list of compiled in modules. Additional modules contributed by members or third parties with specific needs or functions are available at http://www.apache.org/dist/contrib/modules/. If any module you need isn't compiled in, mail me.

Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3.11 (Amiga)
