Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3.11 (Amiga)

Before installing Amiga Apache 1.3.11

There are several packages you need to install before installing Apache. Some of the packages are just handy, others are needed to operate the server. Files located on the Aminet are linked to de.aminet.net, files originating from GG are linked to the German mirror in Erlangen.


MultiUserFileSystem (MuFS) enforces the read/write/execute-Permissions for user, group and other. Not installing this may cause security leaks if you aren't extraordinary careful. To install, follow the instructions in the archive.

MultiUser18api.lha               15K Multi User System Security (API)
MultiUser18bin.lha              128K Multi User System Security (binaries)
MultiUser18ext.lha              204K Multi User System Security (extutil)
MultiUser18src.lha              110K Multi User System Security (source)
MultiUserFix.lha                 12K Multi User System Security error fix
MultiUserFix_S.lha              143K Multi User System Security error fix (so

Geek Gadgets

This is the basic set of a Geek Gadgets installation, if you do not want to compile httpd. To install, first download BOOT.lha and extract it to RAM:. Copy the Sys/Libs/ixemul.library to LIBS: and add RAM: to your path. Then, create a drawer and assign GG: to it or better make a partition called GG. cd to GG: and extract every archive by tar -xzf foobar.tgz. Then, copy the files in GG:Sys/ to the appropriate system directory (hereby selecting for example the ixemul.library compiled for your CPU). Complete installation instructions are in the GG-doc archive.

BOOT.lha                258342 Bytes Files needed for installation (gzip, tar, ixemul.library)
GG-docs-0.9-bin.tgz     897828 Bytes Geek Gadgets documentation set
fileutils-4.0-bin.tgz   909805 Bytes File management utilities
gdbm-1.7.3-bin.tgz       84031 Bytes GNU database manager library
groff-1.11a-bin.tgz    1149690 Bytes GNU groff document formatting system
gzip-1.2.4-bin.tgz      224602 Bytes GNU compressing/decompressing programs
ixemul-48.0-bin.tgz    1808450 Bytes Unix emulation environment, Amiga lib
manutils-2.1-bin.tgz    174887 Bytes displays unix style manual pages
pdksh-5.2.12-bin.tgz    122238 Bytes A UNIX ksh compatible shell for AmigaOS
perl-5.005_02-bin.tgz  4028184 Bytes Practical Extraction and Report Language
sed-3.02-bin.tgz        135818 Bytes GNU stream editor
sh-utils-1.16-bin.tgz   532428 Bytes GNU shell programming utilities
tar-1.12-bin.tgz        797370 Bytes GNU Tape Archiver
termcap-1.3-bin.tgz     277276 Bytes GNU termcap library
textutils-1.22-bin.tgz  616992 Bytes GNU text processing utilities

If you would like to compile httpd yourself, you need some additional packages. These are the absolute minimum:

ecgs-1.1.2-bin.tgz     5212536 Bytes Experimental GNU Compiler System
fd2inline-1.11-bin.tgz          62kB Convert FD files to gcc 'inlines'
gawk-3.0.3-bin.tgz             1.3MB Pattern scanning & processing
libamiga-bin.tgz               125kB Amiga libraries for gcc binary tree
make-2.77-bin.tgz       877922 Bytes POSIX compatible 'make' program
patch-2.5-bin.tgz        56885 Bytes Apply diff files

Other utilities

These utilities are useful and recommended, but not absolutely necessary for using Amiga-Apache. Install by the instructions in the archieves. The executehack makes execute known about the "#!"-semantics, so that it is possible to execute for example shell scripts just by typing the filename (if the s-flag is set). UnixDirs3 allows unix style paths to be used in AmigaDOS.
executehack.lha           3709 Bytes V1.6 Hack to make Execute recognize #!
UnixDirs3.lha            17176 Bytes AmigaDOS improver. Freeware. V2.0

Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3.11 (Amiga)
