Installation Instructions

To install , perform the following steps in order. We suggest that you read through this entire document before performing any of the steps, to anticipate problems before they occur.

  1. Change your current working directory to the top-level directory. This is where will reside. We will call this directory root/. Copy the file multical0.9.tar.Z into root/ from the FTP area. Uncompress the file by running:
    uncompress multical0.9.tar.Z
    The file multical0.9.tar will be created when uncompress successfully terminates.

  2. is extracted by untarring the file created above. This may be done as follows and will take several minutes.
    tar xf multical0.9.tar
    A directory multical0.9 will be created in root/.

  3. To reduce disk space the old tar file may now be deleted:
    rm multical0.9.tar

  4. Now change directory to the multical directory:
    cd multical0.9
    This directory contains a file named Makefile and one named Makefile.include, as well as other files and directories. Examine the file NOTES; this discusses important details on the release not covered by the installation instructions. Also examine the file README.

    Table: Installation Times
    Step Approximate Execution Time
      (in minutes)
    install 25
    system 20
    clean 4
    test 15
    checkout 1

  5. At this point, it is necessary to customize the file Makefile.include. Makefile.include will be included into other system Makefiles and contains path names for UNIX utilities used throughout the makefiles (which may be site specific) as well as all the parameters for controlling the compilation of . The first and most important edit is to the line reading
    You should edit this line to point to the current directory, e.g.,
    Another important customization is to edit the line
    to match the architecture of your system. To specify different paths or options for the UNIX utilities edit the following lines in Makefile.include. Please check the following variables very carefully, because they are used extensively in the installation. Every site will most likely have to change at least some of these variables. For gcc compilers below version 2.0, support for long longs is a ``hidden feature.'' Multical may be compiled (or maybe not!) with such versions but it will probably be necessary to include a macro definition, e.g.,
     CC=gcc -Dalloca=malloc
    as many compilers do not know how to correctly generate code for alloca.

     CHOWN=/etc/chown bin
     CHGRP=/bin/chgrp multical

     AR=/bin/ar ru
     TOUCH=/bin/touch -c
     #OURYACC=/usr/local/bison -d -v

    If some paths are unknown, the appropriate path for each utility can be determined by executing


    If any of the above is not needed or cannot be used set it to $(NOOP), a command that does nothing. As an example, if you don't want to change the privileges, edit the CHMOD variable to:


    The entire system may be built in OPTIMIZE or DEBUG mode. The HOWTOCOMPILE variable may be modified as needed. In DEBUG mode additional symbol table information is stored for each tool in the system. This requires extra disk space and main memory, but allows the tools to be debugged later. Currently, this variable is set to optimize mode.


    At this point, Makefile.include has been customized.

  6. To verify that the path settings of the UNIX tools are correct, type
    make testpath

    If any serious errors occur, recheck the paths before continuing. This step may be repeated as needed.

  7. To build type
    make install >& make.all.log &

    Throughout the installation, a very few minor warning messages will appear, and can be ignored. However, any error generated by make, indicating a failed make command, are significant, and should be addressed. If any such errors are encountered, the step containing the error or make install can usually be redone after correcting the error, as many times as necessary. After the installation is complete, if any programs or libraries need to be recompiled, consult the individual Makefile for the proper target to use in the make command.

  8. If there are problems, check with the developers at

  9. The installation is complete; savor the moment!

  10. Now, you may test by typing
    make checkout
    You should see a message indicating that successfully ran.

  11. All the documentation for the system has been included on-line as postscript documents. To print out the entire documentation (approximately 300 pages), do the following:
    make printdocs
    If your printer programs differ substantially from the default ones, you may need to edit Makefile.include to customize the print commands.

  12. You may wish to start once the installation is complete.
    cd prototype/test
    ../bin/multical -v example.sql
    ../bin/multical -v example.bad