Class O3.S10 (Other, Element, Other)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.10.1: Find the budget history in the period from 1/1/82 to 12/31/84 and from 1/1/87 till now of all departments ED ever worked in.
ANSWER: ``(Toy, $150K, 2/1/82 – 7/31/84),'' ``(Toy, $200K, 8/1/84 – 12/31/84),'' ``(Toy, $100K, 1/1/87 – now),'' and ``(Book, $50K, 4/1/87 – now).''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, Explicit) / (=, Foreign) (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.10.2: Find the name and the budget history in 1984 and 1987 of the department being directed by Di
ANSWER: ``(Toy, $150K, 1/1/84 – 7/31/84),'' ``(Toy, $200K, 8/1/84 – 12/31/84)'' and ``(Toy, $100K, 1/1/87 – 12/31/87).''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, Explicit) / (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.10.3: Find the name of the department where ED working at the beginning of both of the years 1986 and 1987, and the periods ED worked there.
ANSWER: ``(Toy, 2/1/82 – 1/31/87).''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, Explicit) / (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.10.4: Find the current name of the manager ED had on both 1984's Christmas and his 27th birthday, and the dates the manager started as a manager.
ANSWER: ``(Di, 1/1/82).''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, User-defined) / (=, Constant) (=, Single) (=, Foreign)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.10.5: Find the department name, the then manager, the modification dates and the new values of the budget for every budget change that occurred in 1984, 1986 and 1988.
ANSWER: ``(Toy, Di, $200K, 8/1/84).''
CATEGORY: (Complete, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, Explicit) (Ordering, Interval, Computed) / (=, Single) (< >, Single)