Class O3.S9 (Other, Element, Computed)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.9.1: Find the salary history associated with the name Ed when it was associated with a person that had the Driving skill.
ANSWER: ``($20K, 2/1/82 – 5/1/82),'' ``($30K, 6/1/84 – 1/31/85)'' and ``($40K, 2/1/85 – 1/31/87 ∪ 4/1/87 – 12/31/87)''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, Computed) / (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.9.2: Find the salary history, during the periods in which ED had a driving skill, of the employees who earned less than $50K throughout 1989.
ANSWER: ``(—, 1/1/82 – 1/31/82),'' ``($20K, 2/1/82 – 5/1/82),'' ``($30K, 6/1/84 – 1/31/85),'' ``($40K, 2/1/85 – 1/31/87),'' ``(—, 1/31/87 – 3/30/87)'' and ``($40K, 4/1/87 – 5/31/88).''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, Computed) (Containment, Interval, Explicit) / (=, Constant) (< >, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.9.3: Find the name and salary histories of male employees when they were directed by a woman.
ANSWER: ``(Ed, 2/1/82 – 1/31/87)'' and ``(($20K, 2/1/82 – 5/31/82), ($30K, 6/1/82 – 1/31/85), ($40K, 2/1/85 – 1/31/87)).''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, Computed) / (=, Constant) (=, Foreign)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.9.4: Find the department, the current manager name, and the periods when a department manager earned more than one third of the departmental budget.
ANSWER: ``(Toy, Di, 1/1/87 – now), (Book, Edward, 4/1/87 – now).''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, Computed) / (< >, Arbitrary)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.9.5: Find the name and the salary history of the employees in the periods they earned as much as their managers (distinct from themselves).
ANSWER: ``(Ed, $30K, 6/1/82 – 7/31/84)'' and ``(Ed, $40K, 2/1/85 – 8/31/86).''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Not Empty) / (Containment, Element, Computed) (Containment, Interval, Computed) / (=, Foreign) (=, Single) (< >, Single)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.9.6: When did one person earn a lower salary than another younger person, and who were those persons?
ANSWER: ``ED and DI, 02/01/82–05/31/82,
08/01/84–01/31/85, 09/01/86–01/31/87,
CATEGORY: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Containment, Element, Computed) /

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.9.7: When and who had the same salary for the longest continuous period of time?
ANSWER: ``09/01/86–01/01/90, DI''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Containment, Element, Computed) /

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.9.8: List DI's skill and salary histories during the time she was a manager.
ANSWER: ``(Directing, 01/01/82–01/01/90)'' and ``(30K, 01/01/82–07/31/84), (40K, 08/01/84–08/31/86), (50K, 09/01/86–01/01/90)''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Element, Intersection) / (Containment, Element, Computed) / (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.9.9: List the names and salary histories of all employees when they were managers and earned at least 36K.
ANSWER: ``((Di, 08/01/84–01/01/90),
((40K, 08/01/84– 08/31/86), (50K, 09/01/86–01/01/90))), (((Ed, 04/01/87–12/31/87), (Edward, 01/01/88–01/01/90)), (40K, 04/01/87– 01/01/90))''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Containment, Element, Computed) / (< >, Constant)