Class O3.S5 (Other, Event, Computed)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.5.1: List the names and ages of all employees at the time they received their first salary increment.
ANSWER: ``(Ed, 26 years & 11 months), (Di, 23 years & 10 months)''
CATEGORY: (Projected, — ) / (Containment, Event, Computed) /

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.5.2: List the name and salary histories up until their 25th birthday of all female employees.
ANSWER: ``((Di, (1/1/82–10/1/85), ((30K, 01/01/82–07/31/84), (40K, 08/01/84–10/01/85)))''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Containment, Event, Computed) (Duration, Interval, explicit) / (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.5.3: When and who ever changed their names?
ANSWER: ``(ED, 01/01/88)''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Event, Derived) / (Containment, Event, Computed) /

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.5.4: How old was ED and what skills did he have at the time he changed his name to Edward?
ANSWER: ``(32 years & 6 months, {Driving, Filing, Typing})''
CATEGORY: (Projected, — ) / (Containment, Event, Computed) / (=, Constant) (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.5.5: When did ED acquire the Driving skill, and what other skills did he have at the time?
ANSWER: ``(01/01/82, None), (06/01/84, Typing)''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Event, Intersection) / (Containment, Event, Computed) / (=, Constant) (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 4.5.6: Who was the first female manager of the Toy department, and when did she become manager of that department for the first time?
ANSWER: ``(DI, 01/01/82)''
CATEGORY: (Projected, Event, Derived) / (Containment, Event, Computed) (temporal aggregate) / (=, Constant) (=, Constant)