Class O1.S6 (Other, Event, Other)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 2.6.1: Find the name, current budget, and manager of the Toy department.
ANSWER: ``(Toy, DI, $100K).''
CATEGORY: (Complete, None) / (Containment, Event, Explicit) / (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 2.6.2: Find the skills for which ED became qualified after 1/1/83.
ANSWER: ``filing'' and ``driving.''
CATEGORY: (Projected, None) / (Ordering, Event, Explicit) / (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 2.6.3: Find DI's salary on her 25th birthday.
ANSWER: ``$40K.''
CATEGORY: (Projected, None) / (Containment, Event, User-defined) / (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 2.6.4: Find the departments ED worked in before and not after 1/1/88.
ANSWER: ``Toy.''
CATEGORY: (Projected, None) / (Ordering, Event, Explicit) / (=, Single)(=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 2.6.5: Find the date of birth and current name of the women who were working in the Toy department on 1/1/83.
ANSWER: ``(Di, 10/1/60).''
CATEGORY: (Projected, None) / (Containment, Event, Explicit) / (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []QUERY Q 2.6.6: Who worked in their current department for a longer time than their current manager worked in that department?
ANSWER: ``None.''
CATEGORY: (Projected, None) / (Containment, Event, Explicit) /