
This document describes the current status, as of March 30, 1993, of an initiative aimed at creating a consensus glossary of temporal database concepts and names. An earlier status document appeared in December 1992 and included terms proposed after an initial glossary appeared in SIGMOD Record. This document contains a set of new terms, proposed since December 1992, and the terms from the December 1992 document. To provide a context, the terms from the initial glossary are included in an appendix in dictionary format, and criteria for evaluation of glossary entries are also listed in the appendix.

The document is intended to help future contributors of glossary entries. Proposed glossary entries should be sent to tsql@cs.arizona.edu. Other information related to the initiative may be found at cs.arizona.edu in the tsql directory, accessible via anonymous ftp.

\put(7,-145){\tt This paper was distributed to the TSQL e-mailing
list in March 1993.}