
Informally, two tuples on the same (temporal) relation schema are value equivalent if they have identical non-timestamp attribute values.

To formally define the concept, let temporal relation schema R have n time dimensions, Di, i = 1,…, n, and let τi, i = 1,…, n be corresponding timeslice operators, e.g., the valid timeslice and transaction timeslice operators. Then tuples x and y are value equivalent if

t1D1…∃tnDn(τntn(…(τ1t1(x))…)≠∅) s1D1,…, snDn(τnsn(…(τ1s1(y))…)≠∅)  
⇒      $\displaystyle \bigcup_{{\forall t_1 \in D_1,\ldots, t_n \in D_n}}^{}$ *-.8cmτntn(…(τ1t1(x))…)   = $\displaystyle \bigcup_{{\forall s_1 \in D_1,\ldots, s_n \in D_n}}^{}$ *-.8cmτnsn(…(τ1s1(y))…)    .  

Thus the set of tuples in snapshots of x and the set of tuples in snapshots of y are required to be identical. This is required only when each tuple has some non-empty snapshot.