Class O3.S3 (Duration, Element, Computed)

=centercr @ []Query Q 4.3.1: Who, when and for which department did anybody work for as long as the length of time that department's budget was below 200K?
Answer: ``(Di, Toy, 01/01/82–01/01/90)''
Category: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Duration, Element, Computed) / (< >, Constant)

=centercr @ []Query Q 4.3.2: Who and when did anybody work in a department longer than their manager while in that department?
Answer: ``None''
Category: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Duration, Element, Computed) /

=centercr @ []Query Q 4.3.3: Who and when did anybody work in a department longer than their current manager worked in that department?
Answer: ``None''
Category: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Duration, Element, Computed) / (Containment, Event, Explicit) /

=centercr @ []Query Q 4.3.4: For all employees who managed any departments at least as long as Di managed the Toy department, list their names, their gender, their departments and their salary histories during that time.
Answer: ``(Di, F, Toy, ((30K, 01/01/82–07/31/84), (40K, 08/01/84–08/31/86), (50K, 09/01/86–01/01/90)))''
Category: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Duration, Element, Computed) / (=, Constant) (=, Constant)

=centercr @ []Query Q 4.3.5: List the names of departments, the managers and the times when those departments had managers who served for the shortest total time?
Answer: ``Toy, Di, 01/01/82–01/01/90''
Category: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Duration, Element, Computed) /

=centercr @ []Query Q 4.3.6: For all departments which had budgets of at least 200K for a longer total time than budgets of less than 200K, list their names, their budgets and the times when the budgets were NOT below 200K.
Answer: ``None''
Category: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Duration, Element, Computed) / (< >, Constant) (< >, Constant)

=centercr @ []Query Q 4.3.7: What skills did Ed hold for as long as the total time that he did NOT have driving skills, and when did he have these skills?
Answer: ``Typing, 04/01/82–12/31/87''
Category: (Projected, Element, Derived) / (Duration, Element, Computed) / (=, Constant) (< >, Constant)