# This file contains tokens for symbols used in standard unary/binary syntax # # operator token unary/binary/special (see notes at bottom) := ASSIGN _ b :=: SWAP _ b <- REVASSIGN _ b <-> REVSWAP _ b & (:= AUG) AND s b # unary form is for keywords @ (:= AUG) AT s s # control structures for activation ^ (:= AUG) CARET u b || (:= AUG) CONCAT _ b -- (:= AUG) DIFF _ b === (:= AUG) EQUIV _ b ** (:= AUG) INTER _ b ||| (:= AUG) LCONCAT _ b - (:= AUG) MINUS u b % (:= AUG) MOD _ b ~=== (:= AUG) NEQUIV _ b = (:= AUG) NMEQ u b >= (:= AUG) NMGE _ b > (:= AUG) NMGT _ b <= (:= AUG) NMLE _ b < (:= AUG) NMLT _ b ~= (:= AUG) NMNE _ b + (:= AUG) PLUS u b ? (:= AUG) QMARK u s # binary form is a control structure == (:= AUG) SEQ _ b >>= (:= AUG) SGE _ b >> (:= AUG) SGT _ b <<= (:= AUG) SLE _ b << (:= AUG) SLT _ b ~== (:= AUG) SNE _ b / (:= AUG) SLASH u b * (:= AUG) STAR u b ++ (:= AUG) UNION _ b \ BACKSLASH u s # binary form is a control structure | BAR s s # unary & binary forms are control strutures ! BANG u s # binary form is a control structure . DOT u s # binary form is for field references ~ TILDE u _ # notes, # # (:= AUG) indicates that the binary operator has an augmented # assignment form. For example, the entry # + (:= AUG) PLUS ub # acts like two entries: # + PLUS ub # +:= AUGPLUS b # except that the compiler automatically combines the # implementations for + and := to implement +:=. # # 1st flag: _ - no unary form # u - unary operator implemented by .rtt file # s - unary form but special implementation within the compiler # # 2st flag: _ - no binary form # b - binary operator implemented by .rtt file # s - binary form but special implementation within the compiler