Larger Cursor Moves

ˆ (top) and # (bottom)
move the cursor to the top row and bottom row of the current column, respectively.

0 (zero) (left edge) and $ (right edge)
move the cursor to the left edge (column A) and the right edge (the last column) of the worksheet, respectively.

scans the cursor backwards (i.e. to the left and up) to the previous valid (non-blank) cell.

scans the cursor forwards (i.e. to the right and down) to the next valid (non-blank) cell.

ˆ Ed
goes to the next non-blank cell in the indicated direction. The character d must be replaced by one of the valid cursor direction indicators (i.e., ˆ B, ˆ F, ˆ P, or ˆ N). When you execute this command, if the cursor is on a blank cell, it goes in the indicated direction until it reaches the first non-blank cell.