Moving the Cursor One Cell at a Time

Move the cursor around the worksheet by pressing these control keys. The control key commands always are available even if the character cursor is on the top line.

ˆ B (back) and ˆ F (forward) move the cursor left and right, respectively.
ˆ P (previous) and ˆ N (next) move the cursor up and down, respectively.

The arrow keys also work. Left and right arrow keys move the cursor left and right. Up and down arrow keys move the cursor up and down.

There are some additional cursor control commands available if the character cursor is not on the top line of the window. These commands are intended to make xspread compatible with the vi editor commands:

h (back) and l (forward) move the cursor left and right.
k (up) and j (down) move the cursor up and down.

ˆ H and the spacebar move the cursor back and forward, respectively.