Miscellaneous Commands

Xspread supports several miscellaneous commands. These do such things as support various options, allow you to bail out of a command that you do not want to execute, and offer on-line help. Here is the list:

ˆ C, Q, q Exit xspread.
All three of these commands exit the user from xspread.

ESC, ˆ G Abort Command.
Hitting the ESC (escape) key or ˆ G are the bail out commands. Either one of these will abort the current command and return you to Ready mode.

? Help.
This will bring up an index to on-line help. The index will display a list of topics together with the letter that allows you to select a particular topic. The help facility is NOT context sensitive.

TAB Point Command.
When the character cursor is on the top line, you can use TAB to define a range by pointing, instead of by specifying cell addresses. When you press TAB the first time, xspread enters Point mode. You can then specify the range to be selected by using the cursor control keys. The cell that you were in when you pressed TAB is one corner of the specified range. During the point operation, the specified range at any time is highlighted. Pressing TAB the second time exits point mode and makes the range selection final.

Three commands redraw the screen:

ˆ L Simple Screen Redraw.
This command redraws the screen, displaying the values of expressions.

ˆ R Redraw Screen with Values Highlighted.
This redraw command highlights any cells which are referenced by formulas or expressions but which do not contain formulas or expressions. This screen redraw command is useful for showing those values which you need to provide or update. With this command, xspread highlights all cells which contain constant numeric values.

ˆ X Redraw Screen with Expressions Highlighted.
This screen redraw command can be used to highlight those cells which contain expressions. Xspread shows all expressions as formulas, not their current values. All expressions are displayed as left-justified text. This command makes it easier to check expressions.

Three commands display current cell information in the command line:

ˆ A Numeric Value.
This command displays the numeric value of the current cell in the command line.

ˆ V Cell Name.
This command displays the name of the current cell in the command line.

ˆ W Cell Expression.
This command displays the expression attached to the current cell, if any. If there is no expression, this command returns ``?''.