# 1 "Ardt_xxx.txt.c" File: ardt_ultrix.gz Title: ardt_ultrix Short: ardt-binary 002 for DecMipsMachines under ULTRIX 4.4 Shortname: ardtultx.gz Type: misc/unix Author: <@> Uploader: Version: 002 Release: Keyword: Status: Size (unarchived): KB Archiver: gzip ------------------------ Description: binary for ardt for DecMipsMachines under ULTRIX 4.4 (Should work on other DecMipsMachines, tell me if it does or not) (Especially on HP-Machines which i do not have access to and do not know how different they are) Compiled on: ULTRIX queen 4.4 0 RISC # 24 "Ardt_xxx.txt.c" ATTENTION: If you do not get a binary for your system, please get ardt.txt and ardt.c, compile it, upload it and write a .txt-File (use this file as template and insert the result of 'uname -a' into it) ------------------------- How to install Lines which begin with '>' should be entered into your unix-shell (csh/bash/sh/tcsh... or whatever you have) without the '>'. Words in '' mean the word without the "'" Decompress it with: > gzip -d ardt_ultrix.gz rename it to ardt > mv ardt_ultrix ardt make it readable and executable (for everybody) > chmod 0755 ardt (use the value '755' if '0755' doesn't work) After reading the rest of this readme start the ardt-program with > ./ardt (or with 'ardt' if you have '.' in your path for executables) Choose 'builtin ftp' and select 'ftp.uni-kl.de' as server (the uni-siegen-servers DONT work and are only for testing purposes !!!) Then the programm should 'connect to ftp.uni-kl.de' and 'get info/adt/...'. You will see the new files of the last 14 days. Select/deselect with 'Return' and download with 'd' and then 'b'. View the Readme with 'r'. To view all files on AcorNet press 'v' and then 'a' ('v'iew 'a'll). Play around with it, but read the KNOWN BUGS below before ! You can put ardt into your path. But before calling it, make a 'rehash' to rescan the path. If you don't do it, you will get a 'file not found' or similar error. You can tell other Acorn-users to use your ardt if you make it readable and executable for everybody: > chmod 755 The config-files will be saved into their $HOME-directories. Its no security-problem for you (unless you set the suid-bit, but i think you won't do it). Do > ./ardt - to see the command-line options. The rest should be self-explanatory. For more information please get ardt.txt ardt.c, ardt.txt and binaries are available from "ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/acorn/acornet/misc/unix/" If you like it please fill out the form on: "http://www.informatik.uni-siegen.de/~pgpeter/cgi-bin/acornetquest.html" And look at: "ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/acorn/acornet/info/www/index.html" KNOWN BUGS: - When getting a .txt-File you get Error-Messages about wrong .txt-Filesizes. This is normal. And will be fixed somedays. - find doesn't work. This is no ardt-Problem. The find-Tables are not made automatically until now. - If you call 'ardt -' the PatchVersion '001' is printed. If problems occour, please mail to pgpeter@informatik.uni-siegen.de also you can meet me on irc. I have the nick 'siga' and am on the channels #acorn and #amigager. If this doesn't work for you do the following: finger pgpeter@clapton.informatik.uni-siegen.de Look at the last lines and see where i run my x-session. (or if i'm logged into clapton...) finger the machine to see, if i'm idle on this machine a longer time (>10 Min). If not, try to talk me on that machine. If you use a 1/hp/... i will get your talk-request, but the talks aren't compatible. I will notice it after some time (because my talk doesn't connect to your talk) and change to a 1. finger boeckm@pi10.informatik.uni-siegen.de and see if i'm there. Then talk to me to this machine (username is 'boeckm' not 'pgpeter' !!!) But irc is nicer/easier... :) END