Title: Fools Lisp Short: A somewhat quick port of Fools Lisp to the Archi Author: Jonathan (err someone or other..) Version: 1.3.2 Date of Release: Acorn - 20/11/94 - Original - 90/91 sometime. Keyword: Scheme Lisp Status: Totally and utterly free. Size (unarchived): 60.3KB Archiver used: SparkFS ------------------------------------------------------------------ Short Description: A somewhat quick port of Fools Lisp to the Archi. Works on the RPC, should work okay on the Arch as it makes no nasty assumptions. Compiled using clib so has a wimpslot extending malloc. May or may not put in some more archi specific bits later on... (If you want that sort of thing now go see my port of GNU Scheme..) cheers, al ams@csd.abdn.ac.uk