Upload-Info ----------- Title: BlibII Short: BasicLibrary + Linker:Basic+Libraries->Executable Author: Ian Palmer and Tom Hughes Version: 3.00 Date of Release: 04/03/93 Keyword: Library Status: see Licence Size (unarchived): 220 KB Archiver used: spark ------------------------------------------------------------------ Short Description: BlibII is basically in two parts, a Basic linker and a Basic library. The BlibII Linker - allows you to 'link' Basic programs with libraries of procedures and functions. This has several advantages: it creates a single Basic file which can be compressed or compiled, it is smaller as only the functions/procedures that are needed are included and it will run faster. The BlibII Library contains quite a collection of routines to provide the following: Dynamic memory allocation, menu construction, template file support, windows, events, icons and general OS stuff. The library is intended to be user-expandable.