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The author wish to give special thanks to the following persons (in alphabetical order):

Amiga Translators' Organization
For the catalog translations.
Daniel Arthursson and Johan Nyblom
For making it possible to write the first driver for a sound card, the Wavetools card. I'm sure AHI would not have been accepted as quick as it was without this driver. Funny that it didn't even work@enddots{}
Christian Buchner
For the calibrated 14 bit routines for Paula.
SAS Institute, Inc. and Steve Krueger
For the compiler and all the updates.
Jyrki Petsalo and Teemu Suikki
For the Delfina driver, and for supporting AHI in the early days. And of course, for the sound card!
Pauli Porkka
For active support and promotion of AHI from the beginning.
All the rest
Many, many other have helped me, sent suggestions etc. I owe you a lot.

And of course, the actual catalog translators: Samuel Aguilera, Andrija Antonijevic R�ben Alvim, St�phane Barbaray, Frederico Borges, Piergiorgio Ghezzo, Roger H�gensen, Bernardo Innocenti, Ljubomir Jankovic, Petteri Kallio, Eivind Olsen, Marcin Or�owski, Thomas Petersen, Pauli Porkka, Vit Sindlar, Martin Sprenger, S�nke Tesch, Michel Vissers, Ondrej Zima, me, myself and I@enddots{}

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