SmallEiffel Contributors

*** Frank ARNAUD: bug report of test_tag1.e. Reported a problem with Windows NT / Microsoft C / empty struct. Reported a bug about renaming/redefinition of Eiffel externals. New maintainer of the Eiffel FAQ.
*** Eric BEZAULT: lots of really good (short!) bug reports: rename/select, statically computed expressions, weird uses of inheritance clause, insisted to give SmallEiffel a -case_insensitive flag...
*** Xavier CREGUT: has been using SmallEiffel for a long time. Many bug reports. Reported in a very small program a tricky bug dealing with inheritance/genericity and VNCG rule.
*** Fabrice FRANCESCHI: initial sketch of the SmallEiffel Web site.
*** Enrico GOBBETTI: many (excellent) bug reports and many good bug-fixes .
*** James GRAVES: initial design of exception handling, on which we based our final implementation. Maintainer of SmallEiffel's RPMs for RedHat Linux.
*** Philippe RIBET: fixed a bug in the ensure clause of INTEGER/append_in_format. Optimized INTEGER/gcd. Prepared the first precompiled DOS version. Debugging of class BIT_N. (Worked with Antoine GUARRIGUES).
*** S.u.S.E. GNU/Linux: since mid-1998, the S.u.S.E. GNU/Linux distribution is our main development OS. Indeed, we have already received for free versions 4.3 to 6.0. Also note that SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel Compiler is part of the S.u.S.E. GNU/Linux distribution. We hope the S.u.S.E. GNU/Linux team will keep up the good work, providing us with free copies of their distribution ;-)

** Cyril ADRIAN: fixed some bugs in STD_FILE_READ (read_character, read_integer). Found bug of test_req2.e. Found problem with xor. Author of spread_illness. Found a bug in character constants, etc. (Worked with Antony LE LABOUSSE).
** Reimer BEHRENDS: isolated a bug about once precomputed functions and many other bugs.
** Nigel BREE: fixed a tricky bug in the runtime stack. Improved portability for Windows95/NT. Wrote the install script for Windows95/NT.
** Thierry DE CARVALHO: found a bug in inspect/when. Fixed a bug in STD_FILE_READ.connect_to.
** Emmanuel CECCHET: updates of the Linux executable. Found some bugs in creation calls. Provided a lot of useful comments.
** Valery CROIZIER: reported bugs (in very numerous mails :-). Provided hints to optimize the C code.
** Andre DOHERTY: used to maintain the SmallEiffel ready for OS2 version.
** Antoine GUARRIGUES: worked with Philippe RIBET (see above).
** Jean-Marc JEZEQUEL: reported some bugs on ARRAY inheritance. Isolated a bug on VNCG. Beta testing.
** Alexander KJELDAAS: fixed a bug in INSTALL.CSH. Reported a problem with mixed rename/redefine and a problem with run time stack.
** Philippe LAHIRE: reported some bugs with repeated inheritance. Isolated some problems with select.
** Alain LE GUENNEC: many well-isolated bug reports plus some good bug-fixes.
** Antony LE LABOUSSE: worked with Cyril ADRIAN (see above).
** Jean-Lin PACHERIE: many bug reports.
** Marc SCALZOLARO: reported some bugs and added some tests for expanded class types.
** Fridtjof SIEBERT: for some well isolated bug reports.
** Brian STRELIOFF: reported some bugs. Gave me some good hints about compatibility with C++ and warning messages of gcc.
** Jerome THOEN: author of some (optimized) features to avoid memory leaks.
** Dan WILDER: uploads new versions of SmallEiffel to sunsite (for Linux).

* Christophe ALEXANDRE: found a bug in REAL.put_real_format.
* Wilfried BERGER: done some tuning of the GC for Windows platforms.
* Oscar N. BRIA: reported a bug for mixed rename/redefine.
* Emmanuel BOUYER: was the first one to use SmallEiffel for his PhD Thesis. He is also a good bug reporter.
* Robert W. Brewer: a good bug report about inlining of $ operator.
* Lars BRUECKNER: wrote some code for STD_FILE_READ.
* Romaric CHARTON: find two bugs in ifthenelse expression, and argument checking of external feature.
* Grant CHESTON: reported a bug with attribute renaming.
* Frank CHIRON: fixed a bug in class BIT_N.
* Vincent CROIZIER: good work to fix the priority of operator infix "^" and for Precursor implementation.
* Stephane D'ALU: added some features in STRING (split, ...). Reported some bugs for class BIT.
* Oliver ELPHICK: fixed a bug in misc/INSTALL.SH and help us to make our decision about Eiffel source distribution.
* Joel FAEDI: (not yet) solved some problems using gcc.
* Wai-Ming HO: many well-isolated bug reports.
* Brigitte JARAY: one of the first beta testing girls.
* Zahi Al JAMOUS: found a syntaxical bug, and some others. First Lebanese user of SmallEiffel.
* Stephane JANTZEN: beta testing of externals.
* Patrice KHAWAM: reported some bugs.
* Mostefa KASSAB: reported a bug about deferred features.
* Fr�d�ric LEJAL: provides us precompiled versions for several platforms.
* Nicole LEVY: found some syntactical bugs producing a core dump.
* Masato MOGAKI: reported a bug with $ operator.
* Jean-Louis NeBUT: reported bug about renaming.
* Steve NORMAN: fixed a bug in floating-point constants.
* Francois PENNANEACH: a good bug report.
* Todd PLESSEL: a good bug report.
* Francois RAGUIN: isolated a bug of REAL.infix "^"
* Philippe REITZ: bug report dealing with inheritance.
* Christophe REMY: isolated a bug about argument passing.
* Claude SANCHEZ: allowed me to use some more memory (256Mb...) to be able to do the very first bootstrap.
* Gregoire SCHNAKENBOURG: fixed a bug in REAL/DOUBLE keybord input.
* Adrian SIEBER: for some good bug reports.
* Brian STEFANISH: patch for assertion tags.
* John TYRREL: comments and some bug reports.
* Johannes WEHRLI: done some beta testing on VMS.
* Bruce WIELINGA: first author of SmallEiffel/lib_rand.
* Dietmar WOLZ: beta testing and information of SmallEiffel with Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector. Also gave me some hints to optimize ARRAY add_last. Provided a very interesting benchmark comparing SmallEiffel to other C/C++/Eiffel compilers.

Copyright © Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - <>
Last update: 20 May 1999, by OZ.