List of known bugs and unimplemented features * When you repeatedly inherit from a class that contains a routine that assigns to an attribute, and specify for the routine and attribute to be replicated twice, the routine fails to follow the replicated feature. That is, you have two routines assigning to the one attribute, instead of having two routines assigning to different attributes. This contravenes the discussion in ETL pp 174-177. The following code illustrates the issue (it fails at run-time). class BOARD feature set_max_board_members (b: INTEGER) is do max := b; end max: INTEGER end class BOARD2 inherit BOARD rename set_max_board_members as set_min_board_members, max as min end BOARD select set_max_board_members end end class BOARD_ORGANISER creation make feature make is do !!board2; board2.set_max_board_members (3) board2.set_min_board_members (1) check board2.max = 3 end end; board2: BOARD2; end This bug is not easy to fix at all and also seems to be present in all commercial Eiffel compilers (if your commercial compiler can correctly execute this code, please drop us a note to advise us otherwise). * Some features of class BIT are not yet implemented when using long BIT sequences (i.e. more than 32 bits). All unimplemented features are reported at compile-time (please do not report these, except where you cannot work around them). * Command line arguments cannot be given as argument of the root procedure (not yet implemented). For the time being, you can use features argument_count and argument of class GENERAL. * The deep_* family (deep_equal, deep_clone, ...) of features of class GENERAL is not yet fully implemented . IMHO, a good software should not need deep_* features: the client of a class should use only is_equal and twin. To work around this, if you really want to use deep_* features, you can redefine the missing ones manually. * compile_to_jvm doesn't allow you to make applets. * Incomplete ELKS compatibility... but we are improving it. (We also wish ELKS'95 were improved... :-/ ) * dispose is not implemeented yet for expanded objects. [Line] Copyright © Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - [1] Last update: 05 May 1999, by OZ. References 1.