The pretty command


pretty [options] <Class_names> ...

Command pretty is the SmallEiffel Pretty Printer for Eiffel source files. For all classes given as arguments, pretty looks for the corresponding file using the same algorithm as command finder. All the corresponding files are reprinted in a pretty way.

For example, if you are allowed to write the corresponding file, you can reprints the source file of class HELLO_WORLD using command :

pretty hello_world
There are four modes of pretty printing -zen, -default, -end and -parano mode. Only one mode can be selected and mode -default is the default mode.

Options for pretty printing

The less you can print. Pseudo variable Current is never printed (unless it is necessary). No end mark comment for routines. No end comments for constructs (if, inspect, debug, ...). Very compact printing.

the default mode. Don't change printing of pseudo variable Current (if Current is in the input, Current is in the output). Print end comment of routines. Don't print end comments for constructs (if, inspect, debug, ...).

Same printing as previous mode but print ends of all constructs (if, inspect, debug, ...).

Same printing as previous mode but prints Current everywhere you can.

Suppress output for warning messages related to non respect of standard Eiffel style guidelines (for example ItEm will not trigger a warning).

Suppress output for all warning messages (error messages are still printed).

Show the number of the version of SmallEiffel you're using.

Security and BackUp file

For the security of sources files, a backup file is created before writting the new file (system or command pretty may crash during printing of the new file). The backup file name is "foo.bak" when source file name is "foo.e". Backup file is written in the same directory as source file.

If an old backup file already exists before pretty printing, command pretty exit with an error message. To be sure that the pretty printing is well done, the output file is parsed again.

Even if second parsing gives no errors, backup file is NOT removed. Thus you can recompile your Eiffel code to check new file before removing backup file by yourself.

Copyright © Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - <>
Last update: 05 June 1999, by DC & OZ.