The compile_to_jvm command


compile_to_jvm [options] <Root-Class> [<Root-Procedure>]

Command compile_to_jvm is the SmallEiffel Java byte code generator for the Java Virtual Machine.

Command compile_to_jvm must have at least one argument to indicate the starting execution point of the system.

Thus, execution will start in <Root-Procedure> of <Root-Class>. The default <Root-Procedure> is make.

Loading path for Eiffel source files

compile_to_jvm uses the technique described in the documentation for command finder to locate the Eiffel source files it tries to compile.

Options to select Eiffel compilation modes

As for command compile_to_c there are 8 different compilation modes : -boost, -no_check, -require_check, -ensure_check, -invariant_check, -loop_check and -all_check.
Options have the same meaning as for compile_to_c. See compile_to_c documentation for details.

Other options

-o <output_name>:
Place the main output in file <output_name>.class and other class files in directory <output_name>. When this option is not present, the default is <Root-Class>.

to have information during the compilation (the full path of loaded files is printed, type inference score, created class files, etc).

Show the number of the version of SmallEiffel you're using.

Suppress output for warning messages related to non respect of standard Eiffel style guidelines (for example ItEm will not trigger a warning).

Switch case insensitive mode on.
For example, when this mode is selected, the Eiffel parser considers that the following identifiers refer to the same feature: item, ITEM, ItEm, ...

Suppress output for all warning messages (error messages are still printed).

The class

The class implements some low level external features. This file is in the directory SmallEiffel/sys/runtime. The file SmallEiffelRuntime.class must be present to execute the Java byte-code generated by command compile_to_jvm. Do not forget to add this class in your Java CLASSPATH system environment variable. You can also copy the file SmallEiffelRuntime.class in some appropriate directory.


Example 1
When SmallEiffel is correctly installed, you can simply type the following command to test the hello world program :

compile_to_jvm hello_world
Then, in order to execute the produced Java byte code, you can use command :
java hello_world

Example 2
As for command compile_to_c you can add the option -boost to avoid all assertions checks :

compile_to_jvm -boost hello_world

Example 3
To change the name of the output main class, you have to add the option -o :

compile_to_jvm -boost -o out hello_world
Then, you can run the Java byte code with :
java out
Note that the name used for the class files directory is also changed (this directory is also named out).

Example 4
Finally, the -verbose option may be useful to check what files are loaded, what files are created, or to fix some installation problem :

compile_to_jvm -verbose hello_world

Copyright © Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - <>
Last update: 05 June 1999, by DC & OZ.