The clean command


clean [options] <Root> ...

Command clean removes all intermediate files produced by previous compile or compile_to_c.
Names (<Root> ...) can have the Eiffel suffix, no suffix at all, or the suffix used for SmallEiffel command files on your system (.make on UNIX or .BAT on DOS for example).


Print system information during the compilation (full path of loaded files, type inference score, removed files, etc.).

Show the number of the version of SmallEiffel you're using.


Example 1
To remove intermediate files produced for the HELLO_WORLD program.
Type:clean hello_world
You can also type:clean hello_world.e
or you can also type:clean HELLO_WORLD
on Unix, you can type:clean hello_world.make
on DOS, you can do:clean hello_world.BAT

Example 2
Under Unix or DOS, remove all intermediates files in the current directory : clean *.e
If the root class file is not in the current directory, you can type (for Unix) : clean *.make

Option -verbose can be used to see what files are removed.

Copyright © Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - <>
Last update: 05 June 1999, by OZ.