## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_SYSTEMREQUEST_TITLE ; System request; MSG_ERROR_UNKNOWN ; Triton failed for unknown reason; MSG_ERROR_ALLOCMEM ; Can't allocate memory; MSG_ERROR_OPENWINDOW ; Can't open window; MSG_ERROR_WINDOWTOOBIG ; The window would become too big (even with fallback); MSG_ERROR_DRAWINFO ; Can't get the screen's DrawInfo; MSG_ERROR_OPENFONT ; Can't open font; MSG_ERROR_CREATEMSGPORT ; Can't create message port; MSG_ERROR_INSTALLOBJECT ; Can't install object; MSG_ERROR_CREATECLASS ; Can't create class; MSG_ERROR_NOLOCKPUBSCREEN ; Can't lock public screen; MSG_ERROR_CREATEMENUS ; Can't create menus; MSG_ERROR_GADGETCONTEXT ; Can't create gadget context;