To open the [Preferences] dialog, open the [File] menu and select [Preferences].
Macintosh OSX
To open the [Preferences] dialog, open the [RemoteCapture Task] menu and select [Preferences].
The following items can be set.
1. Save Images On
Select [Computer only] to download the images straight to the computer without saving them to the memory card.
Select [Memory card first, then computer] to download the images to the computer after first saving them to the memory card.
2. File Prefix
Input a file name prefix for the images. For example, if you set the prefix to Capture, the next images will be saved as Capture_00001.JPEG,Capture_00002.JPEG, and so on. You can also specify the number of digits and the first number of the file name's numerical identifier.
3. Release Hotkey
A keyboard combination can be used instead of the Release button to start the camera shooting.
Select a hotkey combination from the list. For example, if you select [Shift + F12], you can start shooting by holding down the [Shift] key and pressing the [F12] function key.
Note: Some hotkey combinations may already be assigned to functions in another applications. Check that your hotkey combination is available before selecting it.
4. Window Option (Windows only)
You can set the RemoteCapture Task window as the foreground window by selecting the [Always on Top] check box.