Personal Function Settings


Specifies the customizable functions on the camera and their associated settings.

Customizable Functions:

Use the check boxes to specify which customizable functions to use. The check boxes can have one of the following three states.

image\Mark_Check.gif The camera setting can be modified and is currently set ON.

image\Mark_GCheck.gif The camera setting can be modified and is currently set OFF.

image\Mark_NoCheck.gif The camera setting cannot be modified.


Load Settings Button

Update the dialog with the current settings from the camera.

Reset Button

Deselect all functions and reset their associated settings to the default values.

OK Button

Sets the dialog settings to the camera, then closes the personal functions setting dialog.

Cancel Button

Closes the personal functions setting dialog without sending the dialog settings to the camera.

Apply Button

Sets the dialog settings to the camera without closing the personal functions setting dialog.

Help Button

Displays help.