Camera Settings Dialog - Basic Settings Page


This dialog is used to set the basic camera settings.


Camera Model

Displays the model name of the connected camera.


Displays the BodyID of the connected camera. Not displayed if the camera does not have a BodyID.

Firmware Version

Displays the firmware version of the connected camera.

Owner's Name

Displays the registered Owner's Name of the connected camera. The name can be modified. Enter a name up to 31 alphanumeric characters long.

Date and Time

Displays the internal timer on the connected camera. Use the spin controls to set the date or time directly. The date and time are displayed in accordance with the date/time format setting on your PC.

From PC Button

Set the PC date and time in the corresponding dialog fields.

Battery Status

Displays an icon indicating the status of the battery on the connected camera.

Memory Card Format Button

Formats the memory card. The button can only be clicked on cameras that support formatting.

Memory Card - Status

Displays the connection status of the memory card.

Memory Card - Free

Displays the Free available on the memory card.

Memory Card - Total

Displays the Total size of the memory card.

OK Button

Sets the displayed Owner's Name, date, and time to the camera, then closes the dialog.

Cancel Button

Closes the dialog without setting the Owner's Name, date, and time to the camera.

Apply Button

Sets the displayed Owner's Name, date, and time to the camera.

Help Button

Displays help.