Deferred Print User's Guide Command: DP The_Deferred_Print_(DP)_Command__________________________________ Syntax: DP filespec {options} Explanation: DP is a CP/M+ transient utility that interfaces to the DAEMON RSX. DP is responsible for interpreting and validating requests made of the deferred print program (DAEMON.) Options: -ASIS Do not interpret any data within the specified -AS file. This format should be used whenever documents with special printer controls are being printed. -COPIES n Specifies the number of copies of the specified -CP n file to print. DEFAULT VALUE: 1. MAX VALUE: 10. -DELETE Requests that the specified file be deleted after -DL all copies of the file have been printed. If the print request is canceled prior to completion then the file WILL NOT be deleted. -DESTINATION "text" The specified text will appear on the third -DS "text" expanded print line of the banner page. -DEVICE "dev:" Specifies the device that the file is to be -DV "dev:" printed on. Currently only the 'AUX:' or the 'LST:' devices are allowed. DEFAULT VALUE: 'LST:' -FROM n Specifies the first line of the file to be -FM n printed (n-1 lines of the file will be skipped.) DEFAULT VALUE: 1 -HEADING "text" The specified text will be displayed on the -HE "text" second expanded print line of the banner page. -LEFT_MARGIN n Indent n print positions before printing data from -LM n the file. DEFAULT VALUE: 0. MAX VALUE: 30. -LIMIT n Print a maximum on n lines from the file. -LI n 1 Deferred Print User's Guide Command: DP The_Deferred_Print_(DP)_Command__________________________________ -LINE_LEN n Specifies the width of the printed output. If the -LL n width is less than 130 columns then no banners will be displayed. DEFAULT VALUE: 132 -LINE_NUMBERS Add line numbers to the printed file. The line -LN numbers will begin at one and increment by one. -LINE_PAGE n Specifies the maximum number of lines on a printed -LP n page. DEFAULT VALUE: 66. ALLOWED RANGE: 16 - 92. -MAX_PAGE n Specifies the maximum number of pages to be -MP n printed. -NO_BANNER Do not print banner pages. -NB -PAGE Paginate the output. Three blank lines will be -PG added at the top and bottom of the page. -SPACE n Insert n-1 blank lines between each printed line. -SP n DEFAULT VALUE: 1. ALLOWED RANGE: 1 - 5 -TITLES Add titleing information to the printed output. -TI The filename as well as the current page number will be printed at the top of each page. This option implies pagination. -TRUNCATE Truncate (DO NOT FOLD) long lines. -TC 2 Deferred Print User's Guide Command: DAEMON The_Daemon_Command_______________________________________________ Syntax: DAEMON {-START | -TERM | -LIST | -CANCEL} Explanation: Daemon is an RSX that it responsible for the deferred printing of files specified via the DP command. Options: -CANCEL Cancel printing of the currently active print request. If the -DELETE option was selected it will be ignored. -LIST List all the currently outstanding print requests. The format of the display is; uud:filespec where uu is the user number of the request; d is the drive name and filespec is the filename. The requests are listed in the order they will print with the first listed being the currently active print request. -START Begin execution of the Daemon RSX. The RSX will remain idle until a print request is received via the DP command. -TERM Terminate the execution of the Daemon RSX. This causes IMMEDIATE termination of the current as well as all remaining print requests. 3 Deferred Print User's Guide Command: CONFIG The_Config_Command_______________________________________________ Syntax: CONFIG Explanation: CONFIG allows the user to override the normal default values supplied with the DP command. A menu will be presented to the user upon invocation of the program. Select the desired paramter to modify then enter the new value. The new values will be stored when a selection of parameter zero is made. To ignore the changes enter a ctrl-C. 4 Deferred Print User's Guide Error Messages Error_Messages___________________________________________________ Syntax: class(nn): text of message Explanation: Error messages are either of type FATAL or ERROR. If the class is ERROR then the message can be considered a warning and processing continues. If the error message is FATAL then processing terminates immediately. Command line format: Command Command-tail Where: Command-tail is composed of the following parts. -KEYWORD [ARGUMENT] KEYWORDS are preceeded by a dash and may have optional ARGUMENTS. There may be multiple keywords in a single command-tail. EXAMPLE: DP MYFILE.EXT -DELETE -SPACE 2 -PAGE There are three KEYWORDS and one ARGUMENT in the above example. 5 Deferred Print User's Guide Error Messages Error_Messages___________________________________________________ Possible Error Messages: ( 1) Required argument missing ( 2) Unexpected NULL argument ( 3) Invalid combination of arguments ( 4) Keyword not recognized ( 5) Argument not recognized ( 6) Non-numeric character in a numeric argument ( 7) Non-Hex character in a Hex argument ( 8) Non-balanced or missing delimeters in string ( 9) Argument out of range (10) Invalid argument length (11) Redundant argument (12) No match on * or ? Name (13) Invalid file name (14) Named file not found (15) Daemon RSX not running (16) Invalid number of arguments 6  The_Deferred_Print_(DP)_Command_______