BACKUP BAS BACK-UP ENHANCE FONTS Geoff Short 1992 Better Late Than Never Geoff's Backup Copy Maker Insert ORIGINAL into Drive B: Insert TRANSFER into Drive A:" "There is no space on the transfer disk" "There are no files on the original disk." "There are other files on the original disk apart from fonts." )"ORIGINAL" )"TRANSFER" )"BACKUP" COPYING FROM ORIGINAL TO TRANSFER..." ".typ", ".typ", ," INSERT BACKUP DISK INTO DRIVE B: AND PRESS ANY KEY" COPYING FROM TRANSFER TO BACKUP..." ".typ", ".typ", ,"b:" ".bak" ".typ" INSERT ORIGINAL DISK INTO DRIVE B: AND PRESS ANY KEY" "ALL DONE!" Establish free space ,"GRS.GRS" read files ,"b:*.typ" anykey Press any key" screen update stop error "ERROR "; A"in line"; resume pause "ERROR"; INTRO The Backup Program This program is for users who keep all their fonts on a disk in Drive B and wish to make copies of them all for security or to pass on PD." You need the original disk with the fonts you want to copy, another, similar disk to copy onto, and a disk in Drive A for transfer purposes. This disk must have at least 15K free on it, and the more free space, the less effort is" "required. The destination disk does not have to be empty, but should have enough free space for the fonts to be copied. Any fonts already on the disk will be updated and the .BAK version erased." FINE-18 $$$