Z80MU Information release 3.10 of Z80MU.EXE, dated 3/14/86 Z80MU is a Z80 and CP/M 2.2 Emulator which runs on the IBMPC. It was written by Joan Riff for Computerwise Consulting Services. We have used it for the various projects that we needed it for, and rather than have the thing collect dust on the shelf we have decided to release it to the public domain so that it may find its way into the hands of whoever could use it. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Please help the Public Domain world in the following ways: 1) Feel free to distribute Z80MU310.ARC (the original Emulator ARC file), along with this file (Z80MU310.TXT). Don't change their names. Do not try to rebuild an ARC file from the component files unless you are very careful. We much prefer that you keep a copy of the original ARC file around for uploading. If you upload it to a bulletin board system, please be VERY careful to make sure that a good upload is obtained. To be safe, download the thing back (under a different name) and use ARC to expand it. If you get a good expansion, then you know that the upload was good. WE HAVE SEEN MANY GARBAGED (BAD CHECKSUM) COPIES OF THE ARC FILE ON VARIOUS BULLETIN BOARDS. This hurts everybody. If you discover a garbaged version of the ARC file on a bulletin board, please notify the Sysop, and upload a good version. 2) Keep your eyes open for new releases of the Emulator. 3) Please forward bug reports to us (on disk). We'll fix 'em if and when we can. This gives us a better version for our own continued use, and we'll release the fixed one to various bulletin boards. We have already received several "Hey! This CP/M program doesn't work!" reports from users, which have resulted in the improvement of the Emulator. It now runs a much larger universe of CP/M software, thanks to feedback from the field. FILES IN THE .ARC FILE The files in the ARC file are as follows: Z80MU EXE 97696 3-25-86 2:56a The Emulator Z80MU DOC 203232 4-11-86 2:44a The User's Guide 820INIT COM 640 11-24-85 12:02a RESOURCE test file (object) 820INIT CTL 3443 11-24-85 8:14p Control file for 820INIT.COM 820INIT ASM 6373 11-24-85 8:15p Resultant source code 820INIT PRN 20608 11-24-85 8:17p Resultant assembly listing IMPLEMENTATION HINTS This new version runs a much wider universe of CP/M software than the previous ones did. When in doubt, configure your CP/M program to use a VT52 (Heath/Zenith H-19 or Z-19) terminal. Then use the Emulator command "TERMINAL BOTH" to send BIOS and BDOS console I/O through the built-in VT52 emulator. Once you have things figured out, you can put the proper "TERMINAL" command in your AUTOEXEC.Z80 file. STICKY WICKETS If you STILL can't get your CP/M program to run under the Emulator, then: 1) It may not be "portable" enough. Sorry, we can't work miracles. 2) It may use a quirk of CP/M that we don't currently (but may in the future) support. Send us a disk containing the offen- ding program, and a writeup of how to reproduce the problem. We may be intrigued enough to debug your package. This may result in an improved Emulator which can handle your program. Then again, it may not. In either case, we destroy copies of your CP/M program once we're done debugging it. THINGS FIXED WITH 3.10: 1) BDOS Func 10/0Ah is now done entirely by Z80MU (used to call DOS). RETURN no longer required. 2) VT52 clear-screen code is ESC E, not ESC F. 3) FCB fields more closely emulated. 4) Word of zeroes is put on stack prior to Transient entry at 0100h. Bug in Lattice used to store zero word "elsewhere..." 5) Keypress fights between PCDOS and VT52 emulator resolved. 6) Disassembler (broken in 3.00) is now fixed. 7) CP/M results come back in HL as well as A-reg. Have fun! Computerwise Consulting Services P.O. Box 813 McLean, VA 22101 (703) 280-2809