Announcing... ############################################################## # # # EEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEE EEE EEE # # EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE # # EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE # # EEE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE # # EEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEE EEEEE # # EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE # # EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE # # EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE # # EEEEEEEEEEE EEE EEEEEEEEEEE EEE EEE # # # ############################################################## Environmental Processing EXecutive Revision 1.1 Copyright (c) 1986 James H. Whorton All rights reserved [Features/notes] EPEØ  provideó  aî advanceä operatinç environmenô foò CP/Í  2.² users. Some of its features are: o Writteî entirelù iî 808° code® Compatiblå witè 8080/8085/Z8°      systems®  Yoõ  wilì neveò bå 'lockeä out§ becauså yoõ  don'ô      havå á Z8° processor. o  Installó itselæ withouô anù useò installatioî  required®  Nï      systeí patching¬  hacking¬ etc® ió needeä witè thió package®      (Noteº  Maù requirå á ne÷ releaså foò somå non-standarä CP/Í      systems¬ reaä oî foò morå details) o Caî  bå  removeä  anä reinstalleä bù  standarä  CP/Í  SUBMIÔ      controì tï ruî softwarå thaô ió noô compatiblå witè thå EPEØ      environment. o Provideó  fulì logicaì flo÷ controló  (GOTO¬  IF/ELSE/ENDIF©      for alias or manual multiple-command processing. o EPEØ  ió compatiblå witè mosô CP/Í software®  Somå RSØ  (RAÍ      resident©  utilitieó musô bå ruî bù exitinç EPEX¬  buô sincå      thió procesó caî bå automateä bù á SUBMIÔ script¬  thió doeó      not present a major problem. o  Thå  systeí  provideó strinç  anä  numeriã  variables¬  pluó      commands to handle them (SET, INR, DCR, etc.) o Abilitù tï makå anù executablå commanä linå thå ne÷ 'shell'¬      oò useò interface®  Aó aî example¬  aî MBASIÃ prograí calleä      USER.BAÓ  coulä becomå thå ne÷ shelì bù simplù executinç thå Š     command line 'SET SHELL=MBASIC USER'. o Commanä  (program©  searcè  path¬  fullù  useò  anä  prograí      adjustable. o Fulì  seô  oæ  utilitieó foò  filå  anä  systeí  management¬      includinç DIR¬ ERA¬ REN¬ TYPE¬ LIST¬ CÐ (filå copier)¬ ALIAÓ (aliaó generator)¬  MKALIAS¬ MKDIR¬ MKMENÕ (menõ generator)¬      CLS, SECURE, PWD. o CP¬  thå  filå  copù utility¬  allowó copyinç oæ  singlå  oò      multiple files using wildcards and multiple arguments. o Nameä   directorieó   (drive/useò  areas©   supported®   Ne÷      directorù definitionó caî bå easilù loadeä froí simplå ASCIÉ      text files using MKDIR. o Á  full-featureä menõ controì system®  Menõ programó caî  bå      easilù  createä  bù writinç ASCIÉ menõ formaô filå anä  theî      runninç  MKMENU®  (Advantagå  herå ió thaô  sourcå  codå  ió      alwayó availablå foò lateò mods) o SECURÅ  modå available¬  ideaì foò runninç á remotå  system®      Thå  sensitivå systeí commandó arå keyeä tï thå systeí mode¬      for added security. o Multiplå  command-linå  processeó (aliases© caî  bå  createä      usinç  anù  ASCIÉ  texô  editoò anä  theî  runninç  MKALIAS®      (Advantagå herå ió thaô sourcå codå ió alwayó availablå  foò      later mods) o Multiple command-line input and execution. o Completå  manuaì provideä oî disk¬  iî readù tï prinô  ASCIÉ      format® Thå manuaì documentó alì featureó anä aspectó oæ thå      EPEØ  environment¬  provideó  'real§ exampleó oæ codinç  anä      systeí  operatinç techniques¬  detailó alì systeí  commands¬      listinç syntax¬ usage¬ descriptions¬ examples. o Uncomplicated¬  documenteä accesó tï severaì systeí featureó      anä  datá  structures¬  includinç á  drive/user:filename.tyð      parser¬  nameä  directorù  structure¬  commanä  searcè  patè     definitions, secure mode byte, etc. [Contributions] Thió softwarå ió beinç distributeä undeò thå ShareWarå concept® Iæ  yoõ  finä  thió  softwarå useful¬  á  15.0°  contributioî  ió requested¬  tï  helð  supporô  furtheò worë  oî  thió  anä  otheò softwarå thaô É currentlù havå undeò development®  Upoî receivinç youò  contribution¬  yoõ  wilì becomå á Registereä Useò  oæ  thió software®  Yoõ wilì theî bå entitleä tï receivå direcô noticeó oæ majoò  revisions/releaseó  oæ thió software¬  aó welì  aó  direcô phonå support¬ iî caså yoõ ruî intï problems. Š Iæ  yoõ wisè tï makå á contribution¬  encloså 15.0° iî checë oò moneù ordeò anä senä iô to: James H. Whorton 715 N. Mt. Carmel Wichita, KS 67203 Yoõ  wilì  bå  senô  á  notificatioî  oæ  youò  registratioî  anä thereafteò  wilì receivå noticeó wheneveò majoò revisions/updateó are released. [Contacting the Author] If you desire to contact me, there are several ways to do so. 1. Iæ  yoõ  havå  á modem¬  yoõ caî contacô må viá onå  oæ  thå      followinç on-linå systems.      [The Mid-West Information Exchange]      Hours: 9:30PM - 7:00AM, CST, seven days a week.      1200 baud only.      (316) 943-5135      Thió  ió  mù system¬  anä shoulä bå considereä  thå  primarù      distributioî  poinô  foò  thió anä  otheò  softwarå  thaô  É release®  Leavå  messageó tï SYSOP®  Runó EPEØ on-linå undeò      CP/Í  2.² anä REMOTE¬  á remotå I/Ï driveò thaô É  developeä      for in-house use.      [Andromeda]      Hours: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.      300, 1200 baud.      (316) 722-9526      Leave messages to JAMES WHORTON.      [Night Flight]      Hours: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.      300, 1200 baud.      (316) 721-0581      Leave messages to JAMES WHORTON.      Pleaså  DÏ NOÔ trù tï contacô må viá anù otheò  systems®  Iæ      you do so, you will probably NOT receive a reply!! 2. You may also write to me at the following address: James H. Whorton 715 N. Mt. Carmel Wichita, KS 67203 [EPEX compatibility] Onå questioî thaô maù bå askeä ió 'Wilì thió softwarå ruî oî mù Šsystem?§ Sincå É aí anxiouó tï servå alì CP/Í 2.² users¬  herå ió ho÷  yoõ caî easilù finä out®  Extracô thå filå CHECKENV.OBÊ  anä renamå iô tï CHECKENV.COM®  Ensurå thaô youò systeí haó alì  ram- residenô  utilitieó  anä enhancementó removed¬  excepô foò  thoså thaô  camå witè youò computer®  No÷ ruî iô oî  youò  system®  Thå prograí  doeó á quicë checë oæ youò systeí environmenô anä  telló yoõ  whetheò  oò noô EPEØ wilì ruî aó ió oî youò  system®  Iæ  iô telló  yoõ  thaô iô will¬  yoõ havå nothinç tï worrù  about®  If¬ however¬  thå prograí telló yoõ thaô EPEØ wilì noô instalì itselæ oî youò systeí aó iô currentlù stands¬  anä yoõ stilì wanô tï uså EPEX¬ herå ió whaô yoõ do. Writå  dowî  EXACTLÙ  whaô CHECKENV.COÍ displayó wheî  ruî  (oò betteò yet¬ dï á ^Ð beforå runninç thå prograí anä leô iô echï tï youò  printer)®  Senä thå printouô oò copieä datá alonç witè  thå completeä  Suggestion/Commenô  Forí founä  below®  Oî  thå  form¬ indicatå  whaô  computeò  systeí yoõ havå thaô wilì noô  ruî  thå standarä release®  É wilì theî seå abouô generatinç á versioî  oæ EPEØ  thaô wilì ruî oî it¬  anä includinç iô iî thå nexô release® Anä thaô ió alì therå ió tï it! Please use the form that follows. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EPEX Suggestion/Comment Form Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: ___ Zip: ____________ Date EPEX obtained: ______________ Revision: ___________________ Computer brand: _______________________ Model: ________________ Configuration: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Commentsº ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Š ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope and mail to: James H. Whorton 715 N. Mt. Carmel Wichita, KS 67203 ---------------------------------------------------------------- [Closing thoughts] É havå donå publiã domaiî programminç iî thå past¬  anä plaî tï dï  sï  iî  thå  future®  Whetheò oò noô yoõ  chooså  tï  senä  á contribution¬  É encouragå yoõ tï uså thió software® Youò supporô wilì  bå  appreciateä anä wilì enablå må tï continuå  tï  develoð usefuì software. Sï whetheò oò noô yoõ decidå thaô EPEØ ió foò you¬  É thanë yoõ foò   youò  attentioî  anä  wisè  yoõ  welì  iî  youò   computinç experiences. NOTEº  Iæ yoõ uså anù oæ thå otheò softwarå thaô É havå writteî (PLOAD¬  FASTGO¬ TPBBS¬ VDÏ v2.³ anä up¬ SPT¬ SCOPY© feeì freå tï droð må á linå oò á calì anä leô må kno÷ ho÷ yoõ feeì abouô it® É likå tï finä ouô whaô peoplå thinë oæ whaô É write. April 29, 1986 Mid-West Information Exchange James H. Whorton, SysOp _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope and mail to: James H. Whorton 715 N. Mt. Carmel Wichita, KS 67203 6 [Closing thoughts] É havå donå publiã domaiî programminç iî thå past¬  anä plaî tï dï  sï  iî  thå  future®  Whetheò oò noô yoõ  chooså  tï  senä  á contribution¬  É encouragå yoõ tï uså thió software® Youò supporô wilì  bå  appreciateä anä wilì enablå må tï continuå  tï  develoð usefuì software. Sï whetheò oò noô yoõ decidå thaô EPEØ ió foò you¬  É thanë yoõ foò   youò  attentioî  anä  wisè  yoõ  welì  iî  youò   computinç experiences. NOTEº  Iæ yoõ uså anù oæ thå otheò softwarå thaô É havå writteî (PLOAD¬  FASTGO¬ TPBBS¬ VDÏ v2.³ anä up¬ SPT¬ SCOPY© feeì freå tï droð må á linå oò á calì anä leô må kno÷ ho÷ yoõ feeì abouô it® É likå tï finä ouô whaô peoplå thinë oæ whaô É write. April 29, 1986 Mid-West Information Exchange James H. Whorton, SysOp 7