Date Posted: 08Jun98

BASCOM53.ZIP   Microsoft BASIC Compiler v5.3     Microsoft BASIC Interpreter v5.21   Turbo Pascal 3.0 for CP/M-86

L80.COM        Microsoft Link-80 v3.44 (09-Dec-81)

M80.COM        Microsoft MACRO-80 v3.44 (09-Dec-81)

Date Posted: 10Jun98

F80.ZIP        Microsoft Fortran-80 v3.4

MSCOBOL.ZIP    Microsoft COBOL v4.65

QSCREEN.ZIP    QuickScreen screen generator
               Includes LYNXB linker for Microsoft BASCOM
               [I believe this is a BASIC code generator for designing text input

TPAS30.ZIP     Turbo Pascal 3.0 for CP/M-80

APLZ11.ZIP     APL/Z v1.1 for Z-80 [AP/L intepreter]

BDSC13.ZIP     BDS-C v1.3 [Removed by Request]

BDSC14.ZIP     BDS-C v1.4 [Removed by Request]

BDS-C is still available through The Computer Journal

C80V31.ZIP     The Software Toolworks C80 v3.1

C80V30.ZIP     The Software Toolworks C80 v3.0a

MI_C.ZIP       MI C [C compiler.  All in German]


LISP80.ZIP     The Software Warehouse LISP/80 v1.1

MICROB.ZIP     FairCom Micro B+ Database libraries [I _think_]

Date Posted: 13Jun98

DSD80.ZIP      Software Advances DSD-80, full screen Z-80 symbolic debugger v1.4 [Removed by Request]

DSD-80 is still available through The Computer Journal

Date Posted: 14Jun98

MBASIC52.ZIP   Microsoft BASIC v5.22 for CP/M-86

Date Posted: 30Jul98

MODULA2.ZIP    FTL Modula 2 v1.14

MIX-C.ZIP      Mix C v2.0 for CP/M-80

TPAS10.ZIP    Turbo Pascal v1.0 for CP/M-80

MASM-80.ZIP    Microsoft M80, straight from the 8" distribution

MITEKZ80.ZIP   Mitek Z-80 Assembler, linker & debugger

SLRASM.ZIP     SLR Z-80 assembler

Z80TOOLS.ZIP   Z-80 Toolbook [Orig. 3 disks]

Date Posted:  25Aug98

TURBODBT.ZIP   Turbo Database Toolbox for Turbo Pascal 3.0, CP/M-80

SLRDIS.ZIP     SLR Z-80 Disassembler v1.2

Date Posted:  17Sep98

AZTEC302.ZIP   Aztec C v3.02 for CP/M-86

Date Posted: 04Mar99

ALGOL.ZIP      Algol compiler for CP/M-80

FORTRAN.ZIP    Microsoft FORTRAN for CP/M-80

Date Posted: 15May99

CB80.ZIP       DRI CBASIC-80 BASIC Compiler

MALBASIC.COM   Mallard BASIC with Jetsam (removed by request)

OBASIC.COM     Microsoft BASIC v4.51

TP_301A.ZIP    Turbo Pascal v3.01a

MACRO-80.PDF   PDF Documentation for Microsoft Macro-80

LIB-80.PDF     PDF Documentation for Microsoft LIB-80

LINK-80.PDF    PDF Documentation for Microsoft LINK-80

CREF-80.PDF    PDF Documentation for Microsoft CREF-80
Date Posted: 24Aug99

TURBOM2.ZIP    Borland Turbo Modula 2

FTL-M2.ZIP     FTL Modula 2 v1.30



Date Posted 13Jan00

MBASREF.ZIP    MBASIC 5.21 docs in PDF format

Date Posted 10Feb00

SLR_MAN.ZIP    Manuals for SLRLNK and Z80ASM

Date Posted 17Feb00

ZSID.ZIP    ZSID (symbolic debugger) with TRACE and HIST extension modules from DRI

DIS.COM    DIS - Super CP/M Z80 disassembler v4.0 from Micro com
