This is a mirror of by Herb Johnson. It will be updated on a regular basis, but files will accumulate (or remain) here if Herb deletes his copy of those files.

Recovered files from Usenet posts by Emmanuel Roche

Files posted to comp.os.cpm.amethyst by Roche - DONE

I believe this is complete. There are few files and very few posts in this newsgroup, so I've just listed date of post. As of Sept 12 2006, this newsgroup has been removed from the Usenet "active" list for new posts. Any archives of old posts will persist until the archive's owner removes them.- Herb

Posted 08 Apr 2005. Dr. Logo Reference Manual, appendixes. Archived on Gaby's "unofficial CP/M site" at this link. Also archived on this site.

Posted 18 Apr 2005. Dr. Logo Reference manual, sections 1-5. Archived on Gaby's "unofficial CP/M site" at this link. Also archived on this site.

Posted 1 Apr 2005. Dr. Logo Reference manual, section 6. Archived on Gaby's "unofficial CP/M site" at this link. Also archived on this site.

IBM_ sys32_ drive
Posted 07 May 2005. Chapter 8 of the "IBM System/32 Functions Reference Manual", IBM Document GA21-9176-1 Second Edition: May 1975. This document was a standard reference for 8-inch single sided single density formats. Archived on Gaby's "unofficial CP/M site" at this link.

"The IBM Diskette General Information Manual" IBM Document GA21-9182-4 Fifth Edition: August 1979. Another IBM diskette manual used for general reference Posted 26 May 2006. Archived on Gaby's "unofficial CP/M site" at this link.

Second Edition: August 1982, edits by Roche. Posted 18 Apr 2005. Archived on Gaby's "unofficial CP/M site" at this link.

Files posted to comp.os.cpm by Roche

Not complete as of Dec 2006. - Herb

Lawrence Livermore Labs Floating Point & BASIC

Not posted completely by Roche in October 2006 discussions in comp.os.cpm, this is the PDF of a document as follows:

   UCRL-51940, "Floating-Point Package for Intel 8008 and 8080 Microprocessors"
   by Michael D. Maples
   Lawrence Livermore Laboratory,
   University of California/Livermore, California 94550,
   October 24, 1975

Roche posted the text but not the code of the document. Later, he provided to me his version of the source code, with square root code NOT INCLUDED IN PRIOR ARCHIVES, and more commentary. His text is at this link on my Web page; his code LLLFPODT.ASM is at this link on my Web page. My corrections to the floating point code based on the LLL document above are at this link. For some reason, the SQUARE ROOT subroutine was not included with the CPMUG submissions! It's in my "corrections" document. An earlier version of the code was also offered on CPMUG disks #2 and disk #10; as part of LLL "floating point BASIC". Images of those disks can be obtained from the retroarchive Web site as CPMUG010.ARK and CPMUG002.ARK. They should also be on the Walnut Creek CP/M CD-ROM, copies of which are on many Web archive sites. I've extracted out the floating point source code as LLLFP10.ASM and LLLFP02.ASM. Also the docs from the disk are at LLLBASIC10.TXT. Again, these archives DO NOT INCLUDE THE SQUARE ROOT ROUTINE which is included above.

Falconer Floating Point 8080 code

This code was requested recently in Sept 2006 on comp.os.cpm. It was originally published in Dr. Dobb's Journal in 1979, and other places later. Apparently the author, Chuck or Charles Falconer, has lost his hard-drive archives of various versions of this code. If other people have a "digital" version they might contact him, or me. Roche posted one version of this in March 2001; Chuck Falconer says it's a "much improved version" of the DDJ code. In Oct 2006, Roche sent me his copies of what he posted; they include the tab stops not in the comp.os.cpm files so I've replaced them here. Here are also other ORIGINAL files Roche posted; some responses by Mr. Falconer; and another posted comment on the DDJ docs by Mr. Falconer.

part 1 of 5 of the code INTARITH.ASM;
part 2 of 5 of the code FLTARITH.ASM;
part 3 of 5 of the code FLTINPUT.ASM;
part 4 of 5 of the code FLTOUT.ASM;
part 5 of 5 of the code FUNCTION.ASM;
the text of the DDJ article;
the text of the DDJ article in WordStar format;
improved multiply, posted by Falconer;
docs from DDJ article, posted by Falconer;
comments on docs, posted by Falconer.

Other documents

"CP/M-86 Compatibility Guide For CP/M-80 Users" 1980 Digital Research IN30 Posted in comp.os.cpm in 2003. Archived on Gaby's "unofficial CP/M site" at this link.

Posted Aug 2006, subject "ENT-to-COM File Converter". for SOL computer, ENT file format to COM converter in BASIC, with commentary, by Roche

Posted Aug 30 2006, subject "To add or to remove line numbers...". As described. In BASIC, with commentary, by Roche

as of Dec 2006

The following was provided by Tomas Karlsson in Dec 2006 - Jan 2007. Thanks!

AFTER8A.TXT - CP/M 86 code segments: Looking after 8 segments, again...
AFTER8B.TXT  - Looking after 8 segments: a demo, at last!
AFTER8C.TXT  - The more you play with AFTER8 ComManD files
ASM86.TXT  - How to disassemble ASM86.COM Ver 1.0
BYTESTAT.TXT   - A solution in search of a problem...byte values in text files
CCGFCU.WS4  - CP/M-86 Compatibility Guide For CP/M-80 Users by Digital Research
COMALANG.TXT  - COMAL - The programming language by David Stidolph
COMALERR.ASM  - File ERROR.TXT of COMAL 2.1 interpreter
WHATSCML.TXT  - What is COMAL? by COMAL Users Group USA Ltd
DRGDOC.TXT  - DR Graph with GSX-86 by Digital Research
DUMPASC.TXT  - Displaying the ASCII contents of files (hex files 8080 & 8086)
 DUMPASC2.TXT - Improved DUMPASC Utility for CP/M-86 (Plus) 
FILTER.TXT  - WordStar 4.0 to HTML converter program (in BASIC)
GSX13ART.TXT  - Digital Research's GSX: Graphics Portability by William G. Wong
 in "MicroSystems", July 1984,
HEADER.TXT  - Everything you wanted to know about the CP/M-86 Header Record
MINUET.TXT  - Minuet (Minnesota INternet User's Essential Tool)
--- Minuet is an integrated package of TCP/IP network tools for the IBM PC and compatibles.
PCWPATB.TXT  - PCC's Palo Alto Tiny BASIC Version Three
 PCWPATB.ASM - Source Code of Palo Alto Tiny BASIC 
QXFONT.TXT  - Better font for CP/M-86 Plus, hex dump
SAL80.TXT  - Review of our SAL/80 package
-- Letters to the Editor in "Microsystems", May 1984 by Steve Newberry
SCB.BAS  - SCB field 3Ah in CP/M Plus
VALDOCS.TXT  - PX-8 Valdocs reference by Bill Stoebig
VCOMP.TXT  - Visual Compare, program description
 WS4DOT.TXT - How do you get/display/filter/remove all the "dot commands" in a WS4 file? 
Z80LIB.TXT  - To count one's Z-80.LIB files (before they are assembled)
Z80OPS.TXT  - Z80 to 8080 translation recommendations

Unposted documents provided directly by Roche

unposted, "the smallest CP/M Plus utility known to have been produced by DRI."

unposted, "the program used, under CP/M 2.2, to "append" a loader at the front of any CP/M 8-bit COMmand file, loading the GDOS and the first GSX driver mentioned in the ASSIGN.SYS file into the TPA (and taking, unfortunately, about 25% of the TPA of an 8-bit system!!! But it works...)."

unposted, "my old uncommented disassembly of the GDOS of GSX-80"

unposted, "everything needed to produce graphics on an 8-bit system having a NEC uPD 7220 GDC. Probably written by DRI."