Quick key guide for Onj's quake server and default config.cfg. Quake download available from: http://1.onj.me/programs/ Quake stats for onj's server: http://andrelouis.com/qstats Before you play, please remember to modify the last line of the id1\config.cfg file, so that your name does not show as player de plastique. To do this, locate the id1 folder in your audio quake folder, locate config.cfg, and press enter. If no program is associated with this action, choose 'Select a program from the list,' and choose notepad. Once you've modified that, save it and go to next step. To start quake, simply run Start AudioQuake. Now running the overkill mod as well as Jedi quake. To connect to overkill mod instead of Jedi quake, from the quake console type: overkill and to switch back again, type: jediquake Added ability to connect to a JQ server run by Kris. Simply type: ckris from the quake console to connect. New: Added another JQ server allowing upto 15 players at any one time. If you don't like the map on the default server, simply type: jq2 to play on the other server. New: Added ability to connect to another Overkill server run by Kris. Simply type: ckrisoverkill from the quake console to connect. There are also some demos you can play created by Onj. Simply type: playdemo onjdemo1 playdemo onjdemo2 etc, to start them, and to get an idea of what you might expect. currently there are 7 demos to choose from. Some for Jediquake, and some from Overkill on map agdm01 against bots. Have fun. Key list: a: Toggle hook setting. S: Toggle Sniper rifle setting. d: Saber dart. f: Force shield. g: telegrenade. h: Toggle Crosshair setting. j: slug select. k: Force jump. l: Force lightning. ;: Not used ': Force saber-grab. # or \: Force push. Q: Starwars taunts. W: Other taunts. e: Toggle grenade setting. r: not used. t: Drop health pack at current location. y: Toggle blaster settings. u: not used. i: EMP. o: Sniper rifle select. p: Pistol select. [: Drop backpack of death. ]: Light saber select. Backspace: Blaster select. z: Z warnings on/off. x: not used. c: Compass direction. v: Hook throw. b: Hook retract. n: stungun select. m: Remove bots. ,: add bots. Note: the number row selects the default quake weapons, 9 gives you health information, 0 gives you amunission, and in overkill, - 'dash' and = 'equals' change the mode of weapons, giving you more choices on the number row, and activate a motion detecter respectively. Last updated by Andre Louis, at 09:57 14/05/2011