object frmAbout: TfrmAbout Left = 498 Top = 187 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'About PageGate SNPP Server' ClientHeight = 161 ClientWidth = 249 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poMainFormCenter PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Label1: TLabel Left = 32 Top = 16 Width = 177 Height = 17 AutoSize = False Caption = 'PageGate SNPP Server version 6.0' end object Label2: TLabel Left = 2 Top = 144 Width = 185 Height = 17 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Copyright 2003-2013 NotePage, Inc.' end object Label3: TLabel Left = 32 Top = 48 Width = 185 Height = 17 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Refer to the snpp.ini file for setup info' end object btnClose: TButton Left = 88 Top = 104 Width = 73 Height = 25 Caption = 'Close' Default = True TabOrder = 0 OnClick = btnCloseClick end end