4041 Plots 4057 Points 4058 Lines 4059 Bars 4180 Background 4203 Axis labels 4342 Grid lines 8126 ICMP 8131 TCP connections in list: 8132 SCTP connections in list: 8133 Time intervals 8134 Notes 8135 To start Time Interval Analysis, select connection(s) in TCP, UDP, SCTP, IPX or NETBIOS Events window. Then right click on connection(s) and choose 'Time Interval Analysis' from the popup menu. 8141 Time Interval Analysis for TCP (%s) 8177 UDP connections in list: 8178 Time Interval Analysis for UDP (%s) 8179 UDP 8180 Time Interval Analysis for SCTP (%s) 8189 TCP 8190 SCTP 8233 Average 8234 OK 8235 Marginal 8236 Critical 8237 Observer 8238 Could not start print job. 8239 Print Error 8240 Bandwidth (bps) 8241 Bytes/Sec 8242 Send Pkts/Sec 8243 Recv Pkts/Sec 8244 Send Utilization 8245 Recv Utilization 8246 Send Time 8247 Recv Time 8248 Total Time 8249 Direction 8250 Pkts/Sec 8251 Utilization 8264 To start Time Interval Analysis, select connection(s) in Fibre, TCP or UDP Events window. Then right click on connection(s) and choose 'Time Interval Analysis' from the popup menu. 8361 Maximum 8362 Util % 8363 Summary Graph 8366 Cancel 8367 Apply 8369 Graph horizontal scale 8373 Expert Conditions Count 8383 Fibre 8425 Total Pkts/Sec 8426 Pkt/s 8428 Defaults 8429 Graph items 8430 Pixels/Interval 8500 Data Link 8501 Network 8502 Transport 8503 Session 8505 Presentation / Application 8508 Item 8509 Seconds/Interval 8510 Wireless 8530 IPX Connections in list: 8531 Time Interval Analysis for IPX (%s) 8532 NETBIOS Connections in list: 8533 Time Interval Analysis for NETBIOS (%s) 8538 VoIP and Videoconferencing 8541 Item color 8543 Wireless Connections in list: 8545 Item plot 8547 Fibre Connections in list: 8548 Time Interval Analysis for Fibre (%s) 8605 What-If Analysis 8606 Item line thickness 8607 Average response time 8608 ms 8609 Simultaneous requests