Section: User Commands (1C)
Updated: LOCAL
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kermit - file transfer, terminal connection, character-set translation, and script programming  


kermit [ options ...] [files ...]  


Kermit is a family of file transfer, management, and communication software programs available for most computers and operating systems. The UNIX version of Kermit, called C-Kermit, supports serial connections (direct or dialed) and, in most UNIX implementations, also TCP/IP connections. On SunOS systems equipped with SunLink X.25, C-Kermit also supports X.25 connections.

C-Kermit's major functions are file transfer using the Kermit protocol, automatic dialing, terminal connection, translation of national and international character sets, and script programming for automated communications. This manual gives a brief overview of C-Kermit version 5A(188). C-Kermit is fully documented in the book Using C-Kermit by Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, Digital Press, Burlington, MA, USA. Digital Press ISBN: 1-55558-108-0; Prentice-Hall ISBN: 0-13-037490-3. Price: US $34.95. In USA, call DECdirect at 1-800-344-4825, refer to order number EY-J896E-DP. Available: January 1993.

C-Kermit can be used in two "modes" -- remote and local. In remote mode, you connect to the UNIX system from a desktop PC, Macintosh, or workstation and transfer files between your desktop computer and UNIX C-Kermit. In that case, connection establishment (dialing, TELNET connection, etc) is handled by the Kermit program on your desktop computer.

In local mode, C-Kermit establishes a connection to another computer by direct serial connection, by dialing a modem, or by making a network connection. When used in local mode, C-Kermit gives you a terminal connection to the remote computer, using your actual terminal, emulator, or UNIX workstation window or console driver for specific terminal emulation.

C-Kermit also has two types of commands: the familiar UNIX-style command-line arguments, and an interactive dialog with prompt. Command-line arguments give you access to a small but useful subset of C-Kermit's features for terminal connection and file transfer, plus the ability to pipe files into or out of Kermit for transfer.

Interactive commands give you access to dialing, script programming, character-set translation, and in general, detailed control and display of all C-Kermit's features. Interactive commands can also be collected into command files or collected into macros.



C-Kermit should be available as "kermit" somewhere in your PATH. To start C-Kermit simply type "kermit", possibly followed by command-line options. If there are no "action options" on the command line, C-Kermit starts in interactive mode; you will see a greeting message and then the "C-Kermit>" prompt. If you include action options on the command line, C-Kermit takes the indicated actions and then exits back to UNIX. Either way, C-Kermit executes the commands in its initialization file, .kermrc, in your home directory before it executes any other commands, unless you have included the -Y (uppercase) command-line option, which means to skip the initialization file.



Here is a common scenario for Kermit file transfer:

*  Start Kermit on local computer and establish a connection to the
remote computer. If C-Kermit is on your local computer, use the sequence SET MODEM <modem-name>, SET LINE, SET SPEED, and DIAL <number> if you are dialing; SET LINE and SPEED for direct connections, SET NETWORK and SET HOST (or, for TCP/IP, simply TELNET) for network connections.

*  SET any other necessary communication parameters, such as PARITY,
DUPLEX, and FLOW-CONTROL. If you will be communicating with an IBM mainframe in line-mode (not full-screen mode), give the command DO IBM.

*  Give the CONNECT command.

*  Log in to the remote computer.

*  Start Kermit on the remote computer, give it any desired SET commands
for file, communication, or protocol-related parameters. If you will be transferring binary files, give the command SET FILE TYPE BINARY to the remote Kermit.

*  Give the remote Kermit the SERVER command.

*  Escape back to the Kermit program on your local (desktop) computer.
If your local computer is running C-Kermit, type Ctrl-\ c (Control-backslash followed by the letter 'c') (on NeXT workstations, use Ctrl-] c). If MS-DOS or OS/2 Kermit, use Alt-X or Ctrl-] c. Now you should see your local Kermit program's prompt.

*  If you will be transferring binary files, give the command SET FILE
TYPE BINARY to your local Kermit program.

*  To get files from the remote computer to your local computer, use GET
followed by the filename. Use SEND followed by the filename to put files from your local computer to the remote system. You may use "wildcard" characters such as * and ? in the filenames to specify groups of files.

*  When you finish transferring files, and you need to continue your work
on the remote remote computer, type FINISH and then CONNECT. You're now talking Kermit on the remote computer again. Type EXIT to get back to the command prompt on the remote system. At the end, logout normally from the remote computer. Then escape back to Kermit on your local computer, and then EXIT from the local Kermit program.

*  If you don't need to go back to the remote computer again, type the
BYE command to the local Kermit program. This will shut down the remote Kermit server and terminate (log out) your remote session.



Kermit has extensive built-in help. You can find out what commands exist by typing ? at the beginning of a line. You can type HELP followed by the name of a command for information on it. For commands that take multiple arguments, you can type ? in the middle of the command for more information, and you can also use help with several arguments. E.g. SET has many different things you can set, like SET RECEIVE PACKET-LENGTH 1000. You can type 'SET ?', or 'SET RECEIVE ?', etc. 'HELP SET' talks about the 'SET' command in general, 'HELP SET RECEIVE talks about the SET RECEIVE options.  


Within an interactive command, \ is a special character to help you enter special quantities, or ordinary characters that would otherwise be illegal or hard to type. At the end of a line, \ (backslash) (or - dash) makes the next line a continuation of the current line. Other than that, the character following the \ identifies what the thing is:
  % A user-defined simple (scalar) variable such as \%a or \%1
  & an array reference such as \&a[3]
  $ an environment variable such as \$(TERM)
  v (or V) a built-in variable such as \v(time)
  f (or F) a function such as \fSubstring(\%a,3,2)
  d (or D) a decimal (base 10) number (1 to 3 digits, 0..255) such as \d27
  o (or O) an octal (base 8) number (1 to 3 digits, 0..377) such as \o33
  x (or X) a hexadecimal (base 16) number (2 digits, 00..ff) like \x1b
  \ the backslash character itself
  b (or B) the BREAK signal (OUTPUT command only)
  l (or L) a Long BREAK signal (OUTPUT only)
  a decimal digit (a 1-3 digit decimal number) such as \27
  anything else: following character taken literally.

Note that numbers turn into the character with that binary code, so you can use \7 for a bell, \13 for carriage return, \10 for linefeed.



You can use upper- or lower case for commands. Either one will work (but remember that UNIX filenames are case-sensitive). Also, you can abbreviate commands as long as the abbreviation matches only one possibility. This is a summary of C-Kermit's commands. For more information on each, see Using C-Kermit, or type HELP and then the command name.

;              Introduce a full-line or trailing comment (also #).
!              Run a system command or enter system command interpreter.
ASK            Prompt the user, store user's reply in a variable.
ASKQ           Like ASK, but, but doesn't echo (useful for passwords).
ASSIGN         Assign an evaluated string to a variable or macro.
BYE            Terminate and log out a remote Kermit server.
C              Special abbreviation for CONNECT.
CD             Change Working Directory (also, CWD).
CHECK          See if a particular feature is built in.
CLEAR          Clear communication device input buffer.
CLOSE          Close a log or other local file.
COMMENT        Introduce a full-line comment.
CONNECT        Establish a terminal connection to a remote computer.
DECLARE        Declare an array.
DECREMENT      Subtract one (or other number) from a variable.
DEFINE         Define a variable or macro.
DELETE         Delete a file or files.
DIAL           Dial a telephone number.
DIRECTORY      Display a directory listing.
DISABLE        Disallow access to selected features during server operation.
DO             Execute a macro ("DO" can be omitted).
E-PACKET       Send an Error packet.
ECHO           Display text on the screen.
ELSE           Used with IF.
ENABLE         Allow access to selected features during server operation.
END            A command file or macro.
EXIT           Exit from the program, closing all open files and devices.
FINISH         Instruct a remote Kermit server to exit, but not log out.
FOR            Execute commands repeatedly in a counted loop.
G              Special abbreviation for GET.
GET            Get files from a remote Kermit server.
GETOK          Ask question, get Yes or No answer, set SUCCESS or FAILURE.
GOTO           Go to a labeled command in a command file or macro.
HANGUP         Hang up the phone or network connection.
HELP           Display a help message for a given command.
IF             Conditionally execute the following command.
INCREMENT      Add one (or other number) to a variable.
INPUT          Match characters from another computer against a given text.
INTRO          Print a brief introduction to C-Kermit.
LOG            Open a log file -- debugging, packet, session, transaction.
MAIL           Send a file to other Kermit, to be delivered as e-mail.
MSEND          Send a list of files to the other Kermit.
MSLEEP         Sleep for given number of milliseconds.
OPEN           Open a local file for reading or writing.
O              Special abbreviation for OUTPUT.
OUTPUT         Send text to another computer.
PAD            Command for X.25 PAD (SunLink X.25 only)
PAUSE          Do nothing for a given number of seconds.
PING           Check status of remote TCP/IP host.
PRINT          Print a file on a printer.
PUSH           Invoke host system interactive command interpreter.
PWD            Display current working directory.
QUIT           Same as EXIT.
R              Special abbreviation for RECEIVE.
READ           Read a line from a local file.
RECEIVE        Passively wait for files to arrive.
REDIAL         The the most recently DIALed number again.
REINPUT        Reexamine text previously received from another computer.
REMOTE         Issue file management commands to a remote Kermit server.
RENAME         Change the name of a file.
RETURN         Return from a user-defined function.
RUN            Run a program or system command.
S              Special abbreviation for SEND.
SCRIPT         Execute a UUCP-style login script.
SEND           Send files.
SERVER         Begin server operation.
SET            Set various parameters.
SHOW           Display values of SET parameters.
SLEEP          Sleep for given number of seconds.
SPACE          Display current disk space usage.
STATISTICS     Display statistics about most recent file transfer.
STOP           Stop executing macro or command file, return to prompt.
SUSPEND        Suspend Kermit (use only if shell supports job control!).
TAKE           Execute commands from a file.
TELNET         Make a TCP/IP TELNET connection to a remote network host.
TRANLATE       Translate a file's character set.
TRANSMIT       Upload a file with no error checking.
TYPE           Display a file on the screen.
VERSION        Display the program version number on the screen.
WAIT           Wait for the specified modem signals.
WHILE          Execute commands repeatedly while a condition is true.
WRITE          Write text to a local file.
XIF            Extended IF command.
XLATE          Synonym for TRANSLATE.
XMIT           Synonym for TRANSMIT.


Here are some of the parameters you can change with the SET command. Note that many of them require further specification, e.g. there are several RECEIVE parameters. So commands using SET RECEIVE look like "SET RECEIVE PACKET-LENGTH 1000". For parameters like that, the possible second words are listed below them.
ATTRIBUTES     Turn Attribute packet processing on or off.
BLOCK-CHECK    Level of file transfer error detection. 
BUFFERS        Size of send and receive packet buffers.
CARRIER        Treatment of carrier on terminal connections.
CASE           Treatment of alphabetic case in string comparisons.
COMMAND        BYTESIZE used between C-Kermit and your keyboard and screen.
COUNT          For counted loops.
DEBUG          Log or display debugging information.
DELAY          How long to wait before sending first packet.
DIAL           Parameters related to dialing.
DUPLEX         Specify which side echoes during CONNECT.
ESCAPE         Prefix for "escape commands" during CONNECT.
FILE           Set transfer file parameters:
FLOW-CONTROL   Communication line full-duplex flow control.
HANDSHAKE      Communication line half-duplex turnaround character.
HOST           Specify network host name.
INPUT          Control behavior of INPUT command.  
KEY            Key mapping and macros for use in CONNECT mode.
LANGUAGE       Enable language-specific character-set translations.
LINE           Serial communication device name.
MACRO          Control aspects of macro execution.
MODEM-DIALER   Type of modem-dialer on communication line.
NETWORK        Network type, e.g. TCP/IP, X.25.
PAD            X.25 X.3 PAD parameters (SunLink X.25 only).
PARITY         Communication line character parity.  
PROMPT         The C-Kermit program's interactive command prompt.
RECEIVE        Parameters for inbound packets.
RETRY          Packet retransmission limit.
SEND           Parameters for outbound packets.
               See RECEIVE for subparameters.  Normally you set only
               RECEIVE parameters.  SEND parameters come automatically
               from the Kermit on the other end.  
SERVER         Parameters for server operation.
SESSION-LOG    File type for session log, text or binary.
SPEED          Communication line speed, e.g. 2400, 9600.
TAKE           Control aspects of TAKE file execution.
TERMINAL       Terminal parameters:
TRANSFER       File transfer parameters:
TRANSMIT       Control aspects of TRANSMIT command execution:
UNKNOWN        Specify handling of unknown character sets.
WINDOW         File transfer packet window size. 
X.25           Specify X.25 connection parameters (SunLink X.25 only).


C-Kermit allows macros and variables. A macro is a command that you define, composed of one or more other C-Kermit commands. A typical macro is a list of Kermit commands, separated by commas. For example:
  define sun set speed 9600, set parity none, set duplex full,-
  set flow xon/xoff

You call a macro by using its name, just like normal commands. You can also call them using the DO command. If you have given the DEFINE command above (or have it in your .kermrc file), then you can type SUN or DO SUN to execute all the commands in the definition.

C-Kermit also lets you define variables. Normal variables look like \%i, where i is a single letter. The alphabetic case doesn't matter. \%a and \%A are the same. Like macros, they are defined by DEFINE or ASSIGN. All values are strings. DEFINE gives a variable a fixed value. ASSIGN computes a value and assigns it to the variable. To see the difference, look at

  def \%a Monday
  def \%b Today is \%a
  assign \%c Today is \%a
  def \%a Tuesday
  echo \%b
  echo \%c

This will print "Today is Tuesday" then "Today is Monday". The difference is that when defining \%c, the \%a is evaluated at the time of the definition, whereas when defining \%b, the variable name \%a itself is put in the definition. It isn't evaluated until the echo \%b.

There are also arrays, which use \& instead of \%. They are declared by DECLARE, e.g. DECLARE \&A[100]. Elements are referenced with subscripts, which may themselves be variables, and act like simple variables, e.g.

  DEFINE \&A[3] Tuesday

You can destroy the array by making it zero size, DECLARE \&A[0]. The first element of an array is [1].

Macros have normal names. No \. You call them by using the name like a command. If you put additional words on the same line as the macro invocation, they become arguments. Inside the macro, you can refer to the arguments as \%1, \%2, etc. For example:

  C-Kermit>define bsend set file type binary, send \%1
  C-Kermit>define tsend set file type text, send \%1
  C-Kermit>bsend kermit
  C-Kermit>tsend kermit.doc

The number of arguments supplied can be referred to as \v(argc). If you call another macro from a macro, the new one gets its own set of arguments, which do not interfere with the previous set.

There are a number of built-in variables, which are referred to by \v(name). They cannot be changed. Type SHOW VARIABLES for a complete list.

  \v(argc)      number of arguments in current macro
  \v(args)      number of program command-line arguments
  \v(cmdfile)   name of current command file, if any
  \v(cmdlevel)  current command level
  \v(cmdsource) where command are currently coming from, macro, file, etc.
  \v(count)     current COUNT value
  \v(cpu)       CPU type C-Kermit was built for
  \v(date)      date as 8 Feb 1992
  \v(day)       day of week
  \v(directory) current/default directory
  \v(exitstatus)current EXIT status (0 = good, nonzero = something failed)
  \v(filespec)  filespec given in most recent SEND/RECEIVE/GET command
  \v(fsize)     size of file most recently transferred
  \v(home)      home directory
  \v(host)      computer host name
  \v(input)     current INPUT buffer contents
  \v(inchar)    character most recently INPUT
  \v(incount)   how many characters arrived during last INPUT
  \v(line)      current communications device, set by LINE or HOST
  \v(local)     0 if in remote mode, 1 if in local mode
  \v(macro)     name of currently executing macro, if any
  \v(ndate)     Current date as 19920208 (yyyymmdd)
  \v(ntime)     Current local time in seconds since midnight
  \v(platform)  Specific machine and/or operating system
  \v(program)   Name of this program ("C-Kermit")
  \v(return)    Most recent RETURN value
  \v(speed)     Current speed, if known, or "unknown"
  \v(status)    0 or 1 (SUCCESS or FAILURE of previous command)
  \v(system)    UNIX
  \v(time)      time as 13:45:23 (hh:mm:ss)
  \v(ttyfd)     file descriptor of current communication device
  \v(version)   numeric version of Kermit

There are builtin functions, invoked as \Fname(args). Type SHOW FUNCTIONS for a complete list.

   \Fcharacter(arg)   convert numeric arg to character
   \Fcode(char)       numeric code for character
   \Fcontents(v)      return current definition of variable
   \Fdefinition(m)    return current definition of macro    
   \Feval(expr)       evaluate arithmetic expression
   \Fexecute(m a)     execute macro "m" with parameters "a"
   \Ffiles(f)         number of files matching file spec
   \Findex(a1,a2,a3)  position of string a2 in a1, starting at pos a3
   \Flength(arg)      length of the string "arg"
   \Fliteral(arg)     copy argument literally, no evaluation
   \Flower(arg)       convert to lower case
   \Flpad(text,n,c)   left pad text to length n with char c
   \Fmax(a1,a2)       max of two numbers
   \Fmin(a1,a2)       min of two numbers
   \Fnextfile()       next file name from list in last \Ffiles
   \Frepeat(a1,a2)    repeat a1 a2 times
   \Freverse(arg)     reverse character in arg
   \Fright(a1,a2)     rightmost a2 characters of string a1
   \Frpad(text,n,c)   right pad text to length n with char c
   \Fsubstr(a1,a2,a3) substring of a1, starts at a2, length a3
   \Fupper(arg)       convert to upper case

Eval allows the following operators in the expression. The expression can contain variables. Precedences are shown as numbers, 1 is highest precedence, 6 is lowest.
( )    1   parentheses
n !    2   factorial       
~ n    3   logical NOT
- n    4   negative
n ^ n  4   power
n * n  5   times
n / n  5   division
n % n  5   modulus
n & n  5   logical AND
n + n  6   plus
n - n  6   minus
n | n  6   logical OR
n # n  6   exclusive OR
n @ n  6   greatest common divisor



Typically you run Kermit without any arguments, and use a combination of .kermrc and interactive commands. However it is possible to put options on the command line. This is normally used for scripts. In this case, Kermit is invoked as follows:

  kermit [-x arg [-x arg]...[-yyy]..]]

  -x is an option requiring an argument, 
  -y an option with no argument.

  -s files     send files
  -s -         send files from stdin
  -r           receive files
  -k           receive files to stdout
  -x           enter server mode
  -f           finish remote server
  -g files     get remote files from server (quote wildcards)
  -a name      alternate file name, used with -s, -r, -g
  -c           connect (before file transfer), used with -l and -b
  -n           connect (after file transfer), used with -l and -b

  -l line      communication line device
  -j host      network host name
  -q           quiet during file transfer
  -i           binary file transfer
  -b bps       line speed, e.g. 1200
  -m name      modem type
  -p x         parity, x = e,o,m,s, or n
  -t           half duplex, xon handshake
  -e n         receive packet length
  -v n  window size
  -w           write over files

  -y name      alternate init file name
  -Y           Skip init file
  -d           log debug info to debug.log
  -S           Stay, don't exit, after action
  -C "cmds"    Interactive-mode commands

If no action command is included, enter interactive dialog.


$HOME/.kermrc Kermit initialization commands


Frank da Cruz, Columbia University, with contributions from hundreds of other volunteer programmers all over the world; "man page" mostly courtesy of Charles Hedrick, Rutgers University.  


Frank da Cruz and Christine Gianone
Using C-Kermit, Digital Press, Burlington, MA, USA (1993)
Frank da Cruz,
Kermit, A File Transfer Protocol, Digital Press, Bedford, MA, USA (1987)


The diagnostics produced by Kermit itself are intended to be self-explanatory. In addition, every command returns a SUCCESS or FAILURE status that can be tested by IF FAILURE or IF SUCCESS. In addition, the program itself returns an exit status code of 0 upon successful operation or nonzero if any of various operations failed.  


See recent issues of the Info-Kermit digest (on BITNET/EARN, the Internet, or the comp.protocols.kermit newsgroup on Usenet) for discussion, or the files ckcker.bwr and ckuker.bwr, for a list of bugs. Report bugs via e-mail to or KERMIT@CUVMA.BITNET. Subscribe to Info-Kermit by sending e-mail to I$KERMIT@CUVMA.BITNET or I$KERMIT@CUVMA.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU containing the text "subscribe i$kermit" followed by your name.




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