
Syntax: SEND filespec1 [filespec2]

This command SENDs the file or file group3.1specified by filespec from this Kermit to the other. The name of each file is passed to the other Kermit so that it can be stored there with the same name. A file group is usually specified by including ``wildcard'' characters like ``*'' in the file specification.

If communication line parity is being used3.2, the sending Kermit will request that the other Kermit accepts a special kind of prefix notation for binary files. This is an advanced feature, and not all Kermits have it; if the other Kermit does not agree to use this feature, binary files cannot be sent successfully.

Once you give Kermit the SEND command, the name of each file is printed on your screen as the transfer begins, and progress information will be displayed. When the specified operation is complete, the program will sound a beep, and the status of the operation will be indicated by a message like OK, Complete, Interrupted, or Failed.

If you see many packet retry indications, you are probably suffering from a noisy connection, or the communication parameters may not be correct 3.3.

You can cancel the SEND operation while it is taking place by typing either Control-X or Control-Z. If your are SENDing a file group, Control-X will cause the current file to be skipped, and Kermit will go on to the next file, whereas Control-Z will cancel SENDing the entire group and return you to Kermit command level.