Underlying ``conditions'' for using Kermit

Kermit programs are produced on a voluntary basis and contributed freely for public use, but without any kind of warranty or guarantee, or any commitment to fix problems. Sites are free to redistribute Kermit on their own terms, provided they

``bear in mind that the philosophy of Kermit has always been that Kermit is not, and never should become, a commercial product, sold for profit. Its goal is to promote communication and sharing, and Kermit itself should be freely shared, and not sold. Media and reproduction costs may be recouped if desired, but profit should not be the motive1.2 ...''

Moreover, the original creators of Kermit encourage people to send new material back to Columbia University at the address which is listed below so that it is possible to maintain a definitive and comprehensive set of Kermit implementations for further distribution.

Last but not least, they ask for Kermit to be used only for peaceful purposes1.3.

Kermit Distribution
Columbia University Center for Computing Activities
612 West 115th Street
New York, N.Y. 10025