CKVMAK.HLP VMS MAKE August 1993 A "make" program for VAX/VMS, written by Todd Aven, the Software Sweatshop, 564 Laurelton Blvd, Long Beach, NY 11561, may be used for building VMS C-Kermit. This version, 3.4, has been upraded by Ned Freed to add more features and, perhaps most important, to also work on the Alpha AXP. From the MAKE.C source file: "This software may be freely copied and distributed with the following stipulations: No fee except to recover costs of media and delivery may be charged for the use or possession of this software. Sources to this utility must be made available in machine-readable form along with the executable form. No portion of this program may be used in any program sold for a fee. This copyright notice must not be removed." To install VMS MAKE on your VAX VMS computer: 1. Make a new directory on your VAX/VMS system and SET DEFAULT to it. 2. Transfer the files CKVMAK.HEX and CKVDEH.MAR in text mode into the new directory. 3. MACRO CKVDEH 4. LINK CKVDEH 5. RUN CKVDEH 6. In response to the filename prompt, type "ckvmak.hex". 7. The file VMSMAK.BAK is produced. 8. BACKUP VMSMAK.BAK/SAVE *.* 9. The source, documentation, and executable files will appear in your directory. The make program itself is MAKE.EXE. 10. If you have a VAX running VMS 5.5 or later, you should be able to use the MAKE.EXE program as is. just RUN it). If it doesn't work (e.g. if you have an older VMS version), or if you If it turns out that the MAKE.EXE from this saveset was built on a later version of VMS than you have, or if you have an Alpha AXP instead of a VAX, you can build a new MAKE.EXE from the source code, which is also in the saveset. A C compiler is required. Run the appropriate DCL procedure: $ @make-vax $ @make-alpha To make VMS C-Kermit, SET DEFAULT to the C-Kermit source file directory, rename the file CKVKER.MAK to MAKEFILE. (note the period!) and then type "make" (or "run make", or "run dev:[dir]make"). Read CKVINS.DOC for details.