C-KERMIT CONFIGURATION INFORMATION -*-text-*- As of C-Kermit version: 7.0.196 This file last updated: Sat Jan 1 13:33:53 2000 Frank da Cruz, Columbia University Copyright (C) 1985, 2000, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions. DOCUMENTATION Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, "Using C-Kermit", Second Edition, 1997, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, ISBN 1-55558-164-1 US single-copy price: $44.95; quantity discounts available. Available in computer bookstores or directly from Columbia University: The Kermit Project Columbia University 612 West 115th Street New York NY 10025-7799 USA Telephone: +1 (212) 854-3703 Email: kermit-orders@columbia.edu Web: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ The CKERMIT2.TXT file contains supplementary info for C-Kermit 7.0 to be used until the 3rd edition of the manual is ready. WHAT IS IN THIS FILE This file is for C-Kermit developers. It explains compilation options, feature selection, and compilation problem-solving, as they (should) apply to all versions of C-Kermit: UNIX, VMS, OS/2, and the rest. CONTENTS 0. OVERVIEW 1. FILE TRANSFER 2. SERIAL COMMUNICATION SPEEDS 3. FULLSCREEN FILE TRANSFER DISPLAY 4. CHARACTER SETS 5. APC EXECUTION 6. PROGRAM SIZE 6.1. When Memory Is Not a Problem 6.2. Removing Features 6.3. Changing Buffer Sizes 6.4. Other Size-Related Items 6.5. Space/Time Tradeoffs 7. DIALER SUPPORT 8. NETWORK SUPPORT 8.1. TCP/IP 8.1.1. Firewalls 8.1.2. Solving Compilation and Linking Problems 8.1.3. Enabling Host Address Lists 8.1.4. Enabling Telnet NAWS 8.1.5. Enabling Incoming TCP/IP Connections 8.2. X.25 8.3. Other Networks 9. EXCEPTION HANDLING 10. SECURITY FEATURES 11. ENABLING SELECT() 12. I/O REDIRECTION 13. FLOATING-POINT TIMERS 14. SPECIAL CONFIGURATIONS APPENDIX I: SUMMARY OF COMPILE-TIME OPTIONS 0. OVERVIEW This file gives more-or-less system-independent configuration information for C-Kermit 5A and later. The major topics covered include program size (and how to reduce it), how to include or exclude particular features, notes on modem and network support, and a list of C-Kermit's compile-time options. For details about your particular operating system, consult the system-specific installation instructions file: CK?INS.TXT (? = U for UNIX, V for VMS, etc, for example, CKUINS.TXT for UNIX, CKVINS.TXT for VAX/VMS, CKDINS.TXT for Data General AOS/VS, etc). Also consult the following files (use lowercase on UNIX): CKAAAA.TXT Explanation of file naming conventions CKCPLM.TXT C-Kermit "program logic manual" CK?KER.HLP System-specific help file, if any CK?KER.MAK System-specific build procedure CKCBWR.TXT "Beware file": C-Kermit bugs, limitations, workarounds CK?BWR.TXT System-specific "beware file" CKERMIT2.TXT User-level documentation for new features since "Using C-Kermit", 2nd Edition, was published. CKCnnn.TXT Program edit history for edit nnn, e.g. CKC195.TXT. 1. FILE TRANSFER Prior to version 7.0, C-Kermit was always built with the most conservative Kermit file-transfer protocol defaults on every platform: no control-character prefixing, 94-byte packets, and a window size of 1. Starting in version 7.0, fast settings are the default for UNIX and VMS. To override these at compile time, include: -DNOFAST in the C compiler CFLAGS. Even with the fast defaults, it will drop down to whatever window and packet sizes requested by the other Kermit, if these are smaller, when sending files (except for control-character unprefixing, which is not negotiated, and which is now set to CAUTIOUS rather than NONE at startup). C-Kermit's settings prevail when it is receiving. To build with fast defaults for other platforms, add: -DCK_FAST to CFLAGS. 2. SERIAL COMMUNICATION SPEEDS As of 6 September 1997, a new simplified mechanism for obtaining the list of legal serial interface speeds is in place: . If the symbol TTSPDLIST is defined, the system-dependent routine ttspdlist() is called at program initialization to obtain the list. . This symbol should be defined only for C-Kermit implementations that have implemented the ttspdlist() function, typically in the ck?tio.c module. See ckutio.c for an example. . TTSPDLIST is automatically defined in ckcdeb.h for UNIX. Add the appropriate #ifdefs for other platforms when the corresponding ttspdlist() functions are filled in. . If TTSPDLIST is (or normally would be) defined, the old code (described below) can still be selected by defining NOTTSPDLIST. The ttspdlist() function can obtain the speeds in any way that works. For example, based simply on #ifdef Bnnnn..#endif (in UNIX). Although it might be better to actually check each speed against the currently selected hardware interface before allowing it in the array, there is usually no passive and/or reliable and safe way to do this, and so it's better to let some speeds into the array that might not work, than it is to erroneously exclude others. Speeds that don't work are caught when the SET SPEED command is actually given. Note that this scheme does not necessarily rule out split speed operation, but effectively it does in C-Kermit as presently constituted since there are no commands to set input and output speed separately (except the special case "set speed 75/1200"). Note that some platforms, notably AIX 4.2 and 4.3, implement high serial speeds transparently to the application, e.g. by mapping 50 bps to 57600 bps, and so on. See (e.g.) ckubwr.txt for examples. That's the whole deal. When TTSPDLIST is *not* defined, the following applies: Speeds are defined in two places: the SET SPEED keyword list in the command parser (as of this writing, in the ckuus3.c source file), and in the system- dependent communications i/o module, CK?TIO.C, functions ttsspd() (set speed) and ttgspd() (get speed). The following speeds are assumed to be available in all versions: 0, 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 If one or more of these speeds is not supported by your system, you'll need to change the source code (this has never happened so far). Other speeds that are not common to all systems have Kermit-specific symbols: Symbol Symbol Speed (bps) to enable to disable 50 BPS_50 NOB_50 75 BPS_75 NOB_75 75/1200 BPS_7512 NOB_7512 134.5 BPS_134 NOB_134 150 BPS_150 NOB_150 200 BPS_200 NOB_200 1800 BPS_1800 NOB_1800 3600 BPS_3600 NOB_3600 7200 BPS_7200 NOB_7200 14400 BPS_14K NOB_14K 19200 BPS_19K NOB_19K 28800 BPS_28K NOB_28K 38400 BPS_38K NOB_38K 57600 BPS_57K NOB_57K 76800 BPS_76K NOB_76K 115200 BPS_115K NOB_155K 230400 BPS_230K NOB_230K 460800 BPS_460K NOB_460K 921600 BPS_921K NOB_921K and maybe some others... The ckcdeb.h header file contains default speed configurations for the many systems that C-Kermit supports. You can override these defaults by (a) editing ckcdeb.h, or (b) defining the appropriate enabling and/or disabling symbols on the CC command line, for example: -DBPS_14400 -DNOB_115200 or the "make" command line, e.g.: make blah "KFLAGS=-DBPS_14400 -DNOB_115200" Note: some speeds have no symbols defined for them, because they have never been needed: 12.5bps, 45.5bps, 20000bps, etc. These can easily be added if required (but they will work only if the OS supports them). IMPORTANT: Adding one of these flags at compile time does not necessarily mean that you will be able to use that speed. A particular speed is usable only if your underlying operating system supports it. In particular, it needs to be defined in the appropriate system header file (e.g. in UNIX, cd to /usr/include and grep for B9600 in *.h and sys/*.h to find the header file that contains the definitions for the supported speeds), and supported by the serial device driver, and of course by the physical device itself. ALSO IMPORTANT: The list of available speeds is independent of how they are set. The many UNIXes, for example, offer a wide variety of APIs that are BSD-based, SYSV-based, POSIX-based, and purely made up. See the ttsspd(), ttgspd(), and ttspdlist() routines for illustrations. The latest entries in this horserace are the tcgetspeed() and ttsetspeed() routines found in UnixWare 7. Unlike other methods, they accept the entire range of integers (longs really) as speed values, rather than certain codes, and return an error if the number is not, in fact, a legal speed for the device/driver in question. In this case, there is no way to build a list of legal speeds at compile time, since no Bnnnn symbols are defined (except for "depracated, legacy" interfaces like ioctl()) and so the legal speed list must be enumerated in the code -- see ttspdlist() in ckutio.c. 3. FULLSCREEN FILE TRANSFER DISPLAY New to edit 180 is support for an MS-DOS-Kermit-like local-mode full screen file transfer display, accomplished using the curses library, or something equivalent (for example, the Screen Manager on DEC VMS). To enable this feature, include the following in your CFLAGS: -DCK_CURSES and then change your build procedure (if necessary) to include the necessary libraries, usually "curses", perhaps also "termcap" or "termlib": "LIBS= -lcurses -ltermcap" "LIBS= -lcurses -ltermlib" "LIBS= -lcurses" "LIBS= -ltermlib" to pull in the required libraries. "man curses" for further information, and search through the makefile for "CK_CURSES" to see many examples. Plus maybe you'll have to replace "curses" above by "ncurses". There might still be a complication. Some implementations of curses reserve the right to alter the buffering on the output file without restoring it afterwards, which can leave Kermit's command processing in a mess when the prompt comes back after a fullscreen file transfer display. The typical symptom is that characters you type at the prompt after a file transfer do not echo until you press the Return (Enter) key. If this happens to you, try adding -DCK_NEWTERM to your makefile entry (see comments in screenc() in ckuusx.c for an explanation). In SCO Xenix and SCO UNIX, there are two separate curses libraries, one based on termcap and the other based on terminfo. The default library, usually terminfo, is established when the development system is installed. To manually select terminfo (at compile time): compile -DM_TERMINFO and link -ltinfo and to manually select termcap: compile -DM_TERMCAP and link -ltcap -ltermlib looks at M_TERMINFO and M_TERMCAP to decide which header files to use. /usr/lib/libcurses.a is a link to either libtinfo.a or libtcap.a. The C-Kermit compilation options must agree with the version of the curses library that is actually installed. NOTE: If you are doing an ANSI-C compilation and you get compile time warnings like the following: Warning: function not declared in ckuusx.c: wmove, printw, wclrtoeol, wclear, wrefresh, endwin, etc... it means that your file does not contain prototypes for these functions. The warnings should be harmless. New to edit 190 is the ability to refresh a messed-up full-screen display, e.g. after receiving a broadcast message. This depends on the curses package including the wrefresh() and clearok() functions and the curscr variable. If your version has these, or has code to simulate them, then add: -DCK_WREFRESH The curses and termcap libraries add considerable size to the program image (e.g. about 20K on a SUN-4, 40K on a 386). On some small systems, such as the AT&T 6300 PLUS, curses support can push Kermit over the edge... even though it compiles, loads, and runs correctly, its increased size apparently makes it swap constantly, slowing it down to a crawl, even when the curses display is not in use. Some new makefile entries have been added to take care of this (e.g. sys3upcshcc), but similar tricks might be necessary in other cases too. Also new to edit 190 is an ASCII-graphic percent-done "thermometer". This is not included unless you add: -DCK_PCT_BAR to your CFLAGS. Just below the bar is a running display of the transfer rate, as a flat quotient of file characters per elapsed seconds so far. You can change this to an average that gives greater weight to recent history (0.25 * instantaneous cps + 0.75 * historical cps) by adding -DCPS_WEIGHTED to your CFLAGS (sorry folks, this one is not worth a SET command). You can choose a second type of weighted average in which the weighting smooths out progressively as the transfer progresses by adding -DCPS_VINCE to -DCPS_WEIGHTED. An alternative to curses is also available at compile time, but should be selected if your version of Kermit is to be run in local mode only in an ANSI terminal environment, for example on a desktop workstation that has an ANSI console driver. To select this option in place of curses, define the symbol MYCURSES: -DMYCURSES instead of CK_CURSES. The MYCURSES option uses built-in ANSI (VT100) escape sequences, and depends upon your terminal or console driver to interpret them correctly. In some C-Kermit builds, we replace printf() via #define printf... However, this can cause conflicts with the [n]curses header files. Various hacks are required to get around this -- see ckutio.c, ckuusx.c, ckufio.c, ckucmd.c, etc. To use the fullscreen display feature, SET FILE DISPLAY FULLSCREEN. Beware, it can slow the transfer down a bit (or a lot). The faster the connection speed, the more likely the fullscreen display will become the bottleneck. To test whether the fullscreen display is slowing your transfers down on a particular connection, transfer the same with it and without it, and compare the figures given in the STATISTICS command. The default file transfer display is still the old SERIAL ("dots") display, even if you build in curses support. A compromise between the two styles (new to edit 183), that can be used on any video display terminal, can be elected at runtime with the SET FILE DISPLAY CRT. It relies only on the ability of the terminal to write over the current line when it receives a bare carriage return. The same performance comments apply to this display option. 4. CHARACTER SETS By default, C-Kermit is built with support for translation of character sets for Western European languages (i.e. languages that originated in Western Europe, but are now also spoken in the Western Hemisphere and other parts of the world), via ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet 1, for Eastern European languages (ISO Latin-2), Hebrew (and Yiddish), and Cyrillic-alphabet languages (ISO Latin/Cyrillic). Many file (local) character sets are supported: ISO 646 7-bit national sets, IBM code pages, Apple, DEC, DG, NeXT, etc. To build Kermit with no character-set translation at all, include -DNOCSETS in the CFLAGS. To build with no Latin-2, add -DNOLATIN2. To build with no Cyrillic, add -DNOCYRIL. To omit Hebrew, add -DNOHEBREW. If -DNOCSETS is *not* included, you'll always get LATIN1. To build with no KANJI include -DNOKANJI. There is presently no way to include Latin-2, Cyrillic, Hebrew, or Kanji without also including Latin-1. Unicode support was added in version 7.0, and it adds a fair amount of tables and code (and this is only a "Level 1" implementation -- a higher level would also require building in the entire Unicode database). On a PC with RH 5.2 Linux, building C-Kermit 7.0 Beta 11: NOCSETS NOUNICODE NOKANJI Before After [ ] [ ] [ ] 1329014 (Full) [ ] [ ] [ X ] 1325686 (Unicode but no Kanji) [ ] [ X ] [ ] 1158837 (All charsets except Unicode) [ X ] [ x ] [ x ] 1090845 (NOCSETS implies the other two) Note, by the way, that NOKANJI without NOUNICODE only removes the non-Unicode Kanji sets (Shift-JIS, EUC-JP, JIS-7, etc). Kanji is still representable in UCS-2 and UTF-8. 5. APC EXECUTION The Kermit CONNECT module can be coded to execute Application Program Command escape sequences from the host: _\ where is a C-Kermit command, or a list of C-Kermit commands separated by commas, up to about 1K in length. To date, this feature has been coded into the OS/2, Windows, VMS, OS-9, and UNIX versions, for which the symbol: CK_APC is defined automatically in ckuusr.h. For OS/2, APC is enabled at runtime by default, for UNIX it is disabled. It is controlled by the SET TERMINAL APC command. Configuring APC capability into a version that gets it by default (because CK_APC is defined in ckuusr.h) can be overridden by including: -DNOAPC on the CC command line. The autodownload feature depends on the APC feature, so deconfiguring APC also disables autodownload. 6. PROGRAM SIZE (Also see Section 4: Character Sets) C-Kermit has become a large program, much larger than early versions because of all the new features, primarily the script programming language, sliding window packet protocol, and international character set translation. On some systems, the size of the program prevents it from being successfully linked and loaded. On some others, it occupies so much memory that it is constantly swapping or paging. In such cases, you can reduce C-Kermit's size in various ways, outlined in this section. The following options can cut down on the program's size at compile time by removing features or changing the size of storage areas. 6.1. When Memory Is Not a Problem But first, also note that if "memory is no problem" on your system, you can easily INCREASE the sizes of many things (buffers, command length, macro length, maximum number of all sorts of things) simply by defining the following symbol at compile time: BIGBUFOK This symbol is defined for certain platforms by default in ckcdeb.h. If you want to override this, use: make xxxx KFLAGS=-DNOBIGBUF 6.2. Removing Features Features can be removed by defining symbols on the CC (C compiler) command line. "-D" is the normal CC directive to define a symbol so, for example, "-DNODEBUG" defines the symbol NODEBUG. Some C compilers might use different syntax, e.g. "-d NODEBUG" or "/DEFINE=NODEBUG". For C compilers that do not take command-line arguments, you can put the corresponding #define statements in the file CKCSYM.H, for example: #define NODEBUG (The #define statement must be on the left margin.) Here are C-Kermit's size-related compile-time options. The ones that take up the most space are marked by asterisk (*). If you are desperate to save space, remove debugging first, rather than some more useful feature. Remove built-in help only if absolutely necessary. The final resort is to remove the interactive command parser completely, leaving only a UNIX-style command-line interface ("kermit -s foo"). This cuts the program down to about 25% of its fully configured size. * -DNOUNICODE:Add this option to omit Unicode character-set support. * -DNODEBUG: Add this option to omit all debugging code. -DNOTLOG: Add this option to omit transaction logging. * -DNOHELP: Add this option to omit built-in help. -DNODISPLAY:Add this option to omit the file-transfer display. -DTCPSOCKET:Remove this option to omit TCP/IP support. -DSUNX25: Remove this option to omit SunLink X.25 support. * -DNONET: Add this to remove all network support. -DNOMSEND: Add this option to remove the MSEND command. * -DNOLOCAL: Add this option to remove all support for making connections. * -DNODIAL: Add this option to remove the DIAL command and modem support. * -DMINIDIAL: Add this option to support only standard &/or generic modem types * -DNOOLDMODEMS: Add this option to drop support for "old" modem types. * -DNOCHANNELIO: Add this option to remove the FILE command & related functions -DNOXMIT: Add this option to remove the TRANSMIT command. -DNOSCRIPT: Add this option to remove the UUCP-style SCRIPT command. -DNOCMDL: Add this option to remove the command-line option interface. * -DNOSPL: Add this option to remove the script programming language. * -DNOICP: Add this option to remove the entire interactive command parser. -DNOIKSD: Remove support for the Internet Kermit Service Daemon. -DDCMDBUF: Add this option to allocate command buffers dynamically. * -DNOCSETS: Add this option to remove international character set support. -DNOLATIN2 Add this option to remove ISO Latin-2 character-set translation. -DNOCYRIL: Add this option to remove Cyrillic character set translation. -DNOLATIN2: Add this option to remove Latin-2 character set translation. -DNOHEBREW: Add this option to remove Hebrew character set translation. -DKANJI: Omit this option to exclude Kanji character set translation. -DNOESCSEQ: Add this option to omit ANSI escape sequence recognition. -DNOSERVER: Add this option to remove server mode. -DNOSETKEY: Add this option to remove the SET KEY command. -DNOPUSH: Add this option to remove escapes to operating system. -DNOFRILLS: Add this option to remove "frills". * -DNOCURSES: Omit this option to keep the curses library out of Kermit. * -DNOBIGBUF: Override BIGBUFOK in case it is defined: force smaller buffers. * -DNOXFER: Add this option to omit all file-transfer protocols. -DSBSIZ=nnnn -DRBSIZ=nnnnn Change the overall size of the packet send and receive buffers. -DNOFRILLS removes various command synonyms; the following top-level commands: CLEAR, DELETE, DISABLE, ENABLE, GETOK, MAIL, RENAME, TYPE, WHO; and the following REMOTE commands: KERMIT, LOGIN, LOGOUT, PRINT, TYPE, WHO. The CK_CURSES option, at least on UNIX, requires C-Kermit be linked with a large external library (curses or ncurses). On certain small systems, C-Kermit programs built this way have been observed to cause swapping and/or performance problems. If you include -DNOCURSES, you might also have to edit the makefile entry to remove all references to "curses", "termcap", and/or "termlib", etc, from the LIBS clause. 6.3. Changing Buffer Sizes (This section is somewhat obsolete -- most modern C-Kermit versions are built with BIGBUFOK defined, which selects maximum-size packet buffers, plus big command and other buffers). There are options to control Kermit's packet buffer allocations. The following symbols are defined in ckcker.h in such a way that you can override them by redefining them in CFLAGS: -DMAXSP=xxxx - Maximum send-packet length, default 2048. -DMAXRP=xxxx - Maximum receive-packet length, 2048 for UNIX, 1920 for VMS. -DSBSIZ=xxxx - Total allocation for send-packet buffers, default 3008. -DRBSIZ=xxxx - Total allocation for receive-packet buffers, default 3008. The program size is affected by SBSIZ and RBSIZ (send and receive packet buffer size). These are static character arrays compiled into the program. If you wish, you can have Kermit allocate packet buffers dynamically at runtime using malloc() by including the CFLAGS switch: -DDYNAMIC In this case, the default packet and buffers sizes are changed to: -DMAXSP=9024 (for UNIX, 2048 for VMS) -DMAXRP=9024 (for UNIX, 1920 for VMS) -DSBSIZ=9050 -DRBSIZ=9050 but you can change the packet buffer sizes (not the maximum packet size) at runtime using the command: SET BUFFERS Using dynamic allocation (-DDYNAMIC) reduces storage requirements for the executable program on disk, and allows more and bigger packets at runtime. But dynamic allocation might not work on all systems. Try it. If it works for you, there is no reason not to use it. But if the program hangs or core dumps, then omit the -DDYNAMIC option from CFLAGS. 6.4. Other Size-Related Items To make Kermit compile and load successfully, you might have to change your build procedure to: a. Request a larger ("large" or "huge") model. This is particularly true for 16-bit PC-based UNIX versions. This is typically done with a -M and/or -F switch (see your cc manual or man page for details). b. Some systems support overlays. If the program is too big to be built as is, check your loader manual ("man ld") to see if an overlay feature is available. See the 2.10/2.11 BSD example in the UNIX makefile. c. Similarly, some systems support "code mapping", which is similar to overlays. Again, see "man ld". It is also possible to reduce the size of the executable program file in several other ways: a. Include the -O (optimize) compiler switch if it isn't already included in your "make" entry (and if it works!). If your compiler supports higher levels of optimization (e.g. -O2), try them. b. If your UNIX system supports shared libraries, change the make entry to take advantage of this feature. The way to do this depends on your particular system. Some (like SunOS) do it automatically. See the NeXT entry for an example. c. Strip the program image after building ("man strip" for further info), or add -s to the LNKFLAGS (UNIX only). This strips the program of its symbol table and relocation information. d. Move character strings into a separate file. See the 2.10 BSD entry for an example. 6.5. Space/Time Tradeoffs There are over 2000 debug() statements in the program. If you want to save both space (program size) and time (program execution time), include -DNODEBUG in the compilation. If you want to include debugging for tracking down problems, omit -DNODEBUG from the make entry. But when you include debugging, you have two choices for how it's done. One definition defines debug() to be a function call; this is cheap in space but expensive in execution. The other defines debug as "if (deblog)" and then the function call, to omit the function call overhead when the debug log is not active. But this adds a lot of space to the program. Both methods work, take your choice; IFDEBUG is preferred if memory is not a constraint but the computer is likely to be slow. The first method is the default, i.e. if nothing is done to the CFLAGS or in ckcdeb.h (but in some cases, e.g. VMS, it is). To select the second method, include -DIFDEBUG in the compilation (and don't include -DNODEBUG). 7. DIALER SUPPORT -DNODIAL removes automatic modem dialing completely, including the entire ckudia.c module, plus all commands that refer to dialing in the various ckuus*.c modules. -DMINIDIAL leaves the DIAL and related commands (SET/SHOW MODEM, SET/SHOW DIAL) intact, but removes support for all types of modems except CCITT, Hayes, Unknown, User-defined, Generic-high-speed, and None (= Direct). The MINIDIAL option cuts the size of the dial module approximately in half. Use this option if you have only Hayes or CCITT modems and don't want to carry the baggage for the other types. A compromise between full dialer support and MINIDIAL is obtained by removing support for "old" modems -- all the strange non-Hayes compatible 1200 and 2400 bps modems that C-Kermit has been carrying around code for since 1985 or so. To remove support for these modems, add -DNOOLDMODEMS to CFLAGS at compilation time. Finally, if you keep support for old modems, you will notice that their names appear on the "set modem ?" menu. That's because their names are, by default, "visible". But the list is confusing to the younger generation, who have only heard of modems from the V.32bis-and-later era. If you want to be able to use old modems, but don't want their names cluttering up menus, add this to CFLAGS: -DM_OLD=1 8. NETWORK SUPPORT C-Kermit supports not only RS-232 serial connections, direct and modem, but also TCP/IP and X.25 network connections. The OS/2 version supports DECnet (LAT) connections. If you define the following symbol: NONET then all network support will be compiled away. 8.1. TCP/IP TCP/IP support requires the Berkeley sockets library, and is generally available on any UNIX system. It is also available in OS/2, VMS, AOS/VS, VOS, etc. The TCP/IP support includes built-in TELNET negotiation handling. To select TCP/IP support, include -DTCPSOCKET in your makefile entry's CFLAGS, or the appropriate variant (e.g. -DWOLLONGONG, -DMULTINET, -DEXCELAN, -DWINTCP, etc). Reportedly, even some of these are not consistent within themselves. For example, Wollongong reportedly puts header files in different directories for different UNIX versions: in.h can be in either /usr/include/sys or /user/include/netinet. telnet.h can be in either /usr/include/arpa or /user/include/netinet. inet.h can be in either /usr/include/arpa or /user/include/sys. In cases like this, use the -I cc command-line option when possible; otherwise it's better to make links in the file system than it is to hack up the C-Kermit source code. Suppose, for example, Kermit is looking for telnet.h in /usr/include/arpa, but on your system it is in /usr/include/netinet. Do this (as root, or get the system manager to do it): cd /usr/include/arpa ln /usr/include/netinet/telnet.h telnet.h ("man ln" for details about links.) The network support for TCP/IP and X.25 is in the source files CKCNET.H and CKCNET.C, with miscellaneous SHOW commands, etc, in the various CKUUS*.C modules, plus code in the CK*CON.C (CONNECT command) and several other modules to detect TELNET negotiations, etc. Within the TCPSOCKET code, some socket-level controls are included if TCPSOCKET is defined in the C-Kermit CFLAGS and SOL_SOCKET is defined in in the system's TCP-related header files, such as . These are SET TCP KEEPALIVE SET TCP LINGER SET TCP RECVBUF SET TCP SENDBUF In addition, if TCP_NODELAY is defined, the following command is also enabled: SET TCP NODELAY (Nagle algorithm) See the user documentation for descriptions of these commands. 8.1.1. Firewalls There exist various types of firewalls, set up allow separate users of an internal TCP/IP network from the great wide Internet. Of course, this could be accomplished most easily and safely by simply not connecting the internal network to the Internet, but in many cases some restricted forms of access are needed. Thus a "firewall" is set up to allow only authorized accesses. One firewall method is called SOCKS, in which a proxy server allows users inside a firewall to access the outside world, based on a permission list generally stored in a file. SOCKS is enabled in one of two ways. First, the standard sockets library is modified to handle the firewall, and then all the client applications are relinked (in systems where linking is not dynamic) with the modified sockets library. The APIs are all the same, so the applications do not need to be recoded or recompiled. In the other method, the applications must be modified to call replacement routines, such as Raccept() instead of accept(), Rbind() instead of bind(), etc, and then linked with a separate SOCKS library. This second method is accomplished in C-Kermit by including -DCK_SOCKS in your CFLAGS, and also adding: -lsocks to LIBS, or replacing -lsockets with -lsocks (depending on whether the socks library also includes all the sockets entry points). For SOCKS5, use -DCK_SOCKS5. Explicit firewall support can, in general, not be a standard feature or a feature that is selected at runtime, because the SOCKS library tends to be different at each site -- local modifications abound. The ideal situation occurs when firewalls are supported by the first method, using dynamically linked sockets-replacement libraries; in this case, all your TCP/IP client applications will negotiate the firewall transparently. 8.1.2. Solving Compilation and Linking Problems The main() routine is in ckcmai.c. If you get complaints about "main: return type is not blah", define MAINTYPE on the CC command line, e.g. make xxx "KFLAGS=-DMAINTYPE=blah" (where "blah" is int, long, or whatever). If the complaint is "Attempt to return a value from a function of type void" then add -DMAINISVOID: make xxx "KFLAGS=-DMAINISVOID" If you get a compilation error in CKCNET.C, with a complaint like "incompatible types in assignment", it probably has something to do with the data type your system uses for the inet_addr() function, which is declared (usually) in . Kermit uses "unsigned long" unless the symbol INADDRX is defined, in which case "struct inaddr" is used instead. Try adding -DINADDRX to CFLAGS in your make entry, and if that fixes the problem, please send a report to kermit@columbia.edu. Compilation errors might also have to do with the data type used for getsockopt() and setsockopt() option-length field. This is normally an int, but sometimes it's a short, a long, or an unsigned any of those, or a size_t. To fix the compilation problem, add -DSOCKOPT_T=xxx to the CFLAGS in your makefile entry, where xxx is the appropriate type (use "man getsockopt" or grep through your system/network header files to find the needed type). 8.1.3. Enabling Host Address Lists When you give Kermit an IP host name, it calls the socket routine gethostbyname() to resolve it. gethostbyname() returns a hostent struct, which might or might not not include a list of addresses; if it does, then if the first one fails, Kermit can try the second one, and so on. However, this will only work if the symbol "h_addr" is a macro defined as "h_addr_list[0]", usually in netdb.h. If it is, then you can activate this feature by defining the following symbol in CFLAGS: HADDRLIST 8.1.4. Enabling Telnet NAWS TELNET Negotiation About Window Size (NAWS) support requires the ability to find out the terminal screen's dimensions. E.g. in UNIX, we need something like ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, ...). If your version of Kermit was built with NAWS capability, SHOW VERSIONS will include CK_NAWS among the compiler options. If it doesn't, you can add it by defining CK_NAWS at compile time. Then, if the compiler or linker complain about undefined or missing symbols, or there is no complaint but SHOW TERMINAL fails to show reasonable "Rows =, Columns =" values, then take a look at (or write) the appropriate ttgwsiz() routine. On the other hand, if CK_NAWS is defined by default for your system (in ckcnet.h), but causes trouble, you can override this definition by including the -DNONAWS switch on your CC command line, thus disabling the NAWS feature. This appears to be needed at least on the AT&T 3B2, where in ckutio.c, the routine ttgwsiz() finds that the TIOCGWINSZ symbol is defined but lacks definitions for the corresponding winsize struct and its members ws_col and ws_row. The UNIX version of C-Kermit also traps SIGWINCH, so it can send a NAWS any time the console terminal window size changes, e.g. when you stretch it with a mouse. The SIGWINCH-trapping code is enabled if SIGWINCH is defined (i.e. in signal.h). If this code should cause problems, you can disable it without disabling the NAWS feature altogether, by defining NOSIGWINCH at compile time. 8.1.5. Enabling Incoming TCP/IP Connections This feature lets you "set host * " and wait for an incoming connection on the given port. This feature is enabled automatically at compile if TCPSOCKET is defined and SELECT is also defined. But watch out, simply defining SELECT on the cc command line does not guarantee successful compilation or linking (see section 11). If you want to disable incoming TCP/IP connections, then build C-Kermit with: -DNOLISTEN 8.1.6. Disabling "SET TCP" Options. The main reason for this is because of header file / prototype conflicts at compile time regardting get/setsockopt(). If you can't fix them (without breaking other builds), just include the following in CFLAGS: -DNOTCPOPTS 8.2. X.25 X.25 support requires (a) a SUN, (b) the SunLink product (libraries and header files), and (c) an X.25 connection into your SUN, or else Stratus VOS and the appropriate X.25 development tools. Support for IBM AIXlink X.25 was added in C-Kermit 6.1. In UNIX, special makefile entries sunos4x25 and sunos41x25 (for SUNOS 4.0 and 4.1, respectively), or aix41x25, are provided to build in this feature, but they only work if conditions (a)-(c) are met. To request this feature, include -DSUNX25 (or -DIBMX25) in CFLAGS. SUNX25 (or -DIBMX25) and TCPSOCKET can be freely mixed and matched. 8.3. Other Networks Support for other networking methods -- NETBIOS, LAT, Named Pipes, etc -- is included in CK*NET.H and CK*NET.C for implementations (such as OS/2) where these methods are supported. Provision is made in the organization of the modules, header files, commands, etc, for addition of new network types such as DECnet, X.25 for other systems (HP-UX, VMS, etc), and so on. Send email to kermit@columbia.edu if you are interested in working on such a project. 9. EXCEPTION HANDLING The setjmp/longjmp mechanism is used for handling exceptions. The jump buffer is of type jmp_buf, which almost everywhere is typedef'd as an array, in which case you should have no trouble compiling the exception-handling code. However, if you are building C-Kermit in/for an environment where jmp_buf is something other than an array (e.g. a struct), then you'll have to define the following symbol: JBNOTARRAY 10. SECURITY FEATURES Compiling with the NOPUSH symbol defined removes all the "shell escape" features from the program, including the PUSH, RUN, and SPAWN commands, the "!" and "@" command prefixes, OPEN !READ, OPEN !WRITE, job control (including the SUSPEND command), the REDIRECT command, shell/DCL escape from CONNECT mode, as well as the server's execution of REMOTE HOST commands (and, of course, the ENABLE HOST command). Add NODISPO to also prevent acceptance of incoming MAIL or REMOTE PRINT files. For UNIX, also be sure to read CKUINS.TXT about set[ug]id installation. Additional restrictions can be enforced when in server mode; read about the DISABLE command. Compiling with NOCCTRAP prevents the trapping of SIGINT by Kermit. Thus if the user generates a SIGINT signal (e.g. by typing the system's interrupt character), Kermit will exit immediately, rather than returning to its prompt. NOPUSH and NOCCTRAP together allow Kermit to be run from restricted shells, preventing access to system functions. 11. ENABLING SELECT() Kermit works best if it can do nonblocking reads, nondestructive input buffer checking, and millisecond sleeps. All of these functions can be accomplished by the select() function, which, unfortunately, is not universally available. Furthermore, select() is required if incoming TCP/IP connections are to be supported. select() was introduced with Berkeley UNIX, rejected by AT&T for System V, but is gradually creeping in to all UNIX versions (and other operating systems too) by virtue of its presence in the sockets library, which is needed for TCP/IP. AT&T SVID for System V R4 includes select(), but that does not mean that all SVR4 implementations have it. Furthermore, even when select() is available, it might work only on socket file descriptors, but not on others like serial ports, pipes, etc. For example, in AOS/VS and BeOS (DR8 and earlier), it works only with file descriptors that were created by socket() and opened by connect() or accept(). Other alternatives include poll() and rdchk(). Only one of these three functions should be included. The following symbols govern this: SELECT Use select() (BSD, or systems with sockets libraries) CK_POLL Use poll() (System V) RDCHK Use rdchk() (SCO) If your system supports the select() function, but your version of C-Kermit does not, try adding: -DSELECT to the CFLAGS, and removing -DRDCHK or -DCK_POLL if it is there. If you get compilation errors, some adjustments to ck*tio.c and/or ck*net.c might be needed; search for SELECT (uppercase) in these files (note that there are several variations on the calling conventions for select()). Various macros and data types need to be defined in order to use select(). Usually these are picked up from or . But on some systems, they are in . In that case, add the following: -DSELECT_H to the CFLAGS to tell C-Kermit to #include . A good indication that you need to do this would be if you get compile-time complaints about "fd_set" or "FD_SET" not being declared or defined. In UNIX, the use of select() vs fork() in the CONNECT command is independent of the above considerations, and is governed by choosing a particular makefile target. As of C-Kermit 6.1, select() is also the preferred control mechanism for the CONNECT command. Unfortunately, the structures used by the original UNIX CONNECT command, based on fork(), and those used by select(), are so different, it was not practical to implement them both in one module. So the select()-based CONNECT command module for UNIX is ckucns.c, and the fork-based one remains ckucon.c. To choose the fork-based one, which is more portable (but slower and more fragile), use "wermit" as the make target. To choose the select-based one, use "xermit" (as is done, for example, in the SunOS 4.1 make target). Only do this if you can verify that the CONNECT command works on serial connections and PIPE connections as well as TCP connections. The select() version of ckucon.c MUST be used if encryption is to be done, since the fork() version loses its ability to share vital state information between the two forks. Also note that the select() version is superior in many other ways too. For example, it recovers better from exterior killing, forced disconnections, etc. SHOW VERSIONS tells whether the CONNECT module uses fork() or select(). 12. I/O REDIRECTION The REDIRECT command allows a local program to be run with its i/o redirected over the communications connection. Your version of C-Kermit has a REDIRECT command if it was built with the following CFLAG: -DCK_REDIR This, in turn, is possible only if the underlying API is there. In the case of UNIX this is just the wait() system call, so all UNIX versions get this feature as of 6.0.192 (earlier versions needed a header file defining the symbols WIFEXITED and WEXITSTATUS). As of version 6.1, file transfer can be done using pipes and filters. To enable this feature, #define PIPESEND (and fill in the code). To disable on systems where it is normally enabled, define NOPIPESEND. This feature is, of course, also disabled by building with NOPUSH (or giving the "nopush" command at runtime). Version 6.1 also adds the PIPE and SET HOST /COMMAND commands, which provide another form of redirection. This feature is selected with -DNETCMD. CK_RDIR must also be defined, since the same mechanisms are used internally. 13. FLOATING-POINT TIMERS C-Kermit 6.1 can be configured to use high-precision file-transfer timers for more accurate statistics. This feature is enabled with: -DGFTIMER and disabled with: -DNOGFTIMER If you try to build with -DGFTIMER but you get compilation errors, either fix them (and send email to kermit@columbia.edu telling what you did), or else give up and use -DNOGFTIMER instead. Hint: depending on your machine architecture, you might have better luck using double than float as the data type for floating-point numbers, or vice versa. Look in ckcdeb.h for the section that handles this (search for "float"). If it builds successfully, test the result carefully -- watch the time-related fields in the fullscreen file-transfer display and the numbers reported by the STATISTICS command. If the results are nonsense, then try switching from float to double or vice versa as noted in the previous paragraph. If that doesn't help, use -DNOFGTIMER. 14. SPECIAL CONFIGURATIONS As of C-Kermit 7.0, if you build C-Kermit normally, but with -DNOICP (No Interactive Command Parser), you get a program capable of making serial connections (but not dialing) and network connections (if TCPSOCKET or other network option included), and can also transfer files using Kermit protocol, but only via autodownload/upload. Furthermore, if you call the executable "telnet", it will act like Telnet -- using the command-line options. However, in this case there is nothing to escape back to, so if you type Ctrl-\c, it just prints a message to this effect. You can also build C-Kermit with -DNOXFER, meaning omit all the file-transfer features. This leaves you with a scriptable communications program that is considerably smaller than the full C-Kermit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX I: SUMMARY OF COMPILE-TIME OPTIONS These are the symbols that can be specified on the cc command line, listed alphabetically. Others are used internally, including those taken from header files, those defined by the compiler itself, and those inferred from the ones given below. Kermit's SHOW VERSIONS command attempts to display most of these. See ckcdeb.h and ckcnet.h for inference rules. For example SVR3 implies ATTSV, MULTINET implies TCPSOCKET, and so on. The following options are not included in all makefile entries, but they are beneficial if they work. It is recommended that you add them to your makefile entry if they are lacking and test the result. If it's OK, let me know and I'll add them to the official makefile: DYNAMIC Dynamic packet buffer allocation, bigger packets allowed, etc. NOSETBUF Don't do unbuffered single-character writes to the console. This tends to speed up CONNECT mode. Here is the complete list of the Kermit-specific compile-time switches: ACUCNTRL Select BSD 4.3-style acucntrl() bidirectional tty control. aegis Build for Apollo Aegis (predefined on Apollo systems). AIX370 Build for IBM AIX/370 for IBM mainframes. AIXESA Build for IBM AIX/ESA for IBM mainframes. AIXPS2 Build for IBM AIX 3.0 for PS/2 series (never formally released). AIXRS Build for IBM AIX 3.x on RS/6000. AIX41 Build for IBM AIX 4.x on RS/6000. AMIGA Build for Commodore Amiga with Intuition OS. ATT6300 Build for AT&T 6300 PLUS. ATT7300 Build for AT&T 7300 UNIX PC (3B1). ATTSV Build for AT&T System III or V UNIX. AUX Build for Apple A/UX for the Macintosh. BIGBUFOK OK to use big buffers - "memory is not a problem" BPS_xxxx Enable SET SPEED xxxx BSD29 Build for BSD 2.9 or 2.10. BSD4 Build for BSD 4.2. BSD41 Build for BSD 4.1. BSD43 Build for BSD 4.3. BSD44 Build for BSD 4.4. C70 Build for BBN C/70. CIE Build for CIE Systems 680/20. CKCONINTB4CB Work around prompt-disappears after escape back from CONNECT. CKLOGDIAL Enable connection log. CKMAXPATH Maximum length for a fully qualified filename. CKREGEX Include [...] or {xxx,xxx,xxx} matching in ckmatch(). CKSYSLOG Enable syslogging. CK_ANSIC Enable ANSI C constructs - prototypes, etc. CK_ANSILIBS Use header files for ANSI C libraries. CK_APC Enable APC execution by CONNECT module. CK_CURSES Enable fullscreen file transfer display. CK_DSYSINI Use system-wide init file, with name supplied by Kermit. CK_DTRCD DTR/CD flow control is available. CK_FAST Build with fast Kermit protocol defaults. CK_FORK_SIG UNIX only: signal() number for CONNECT module forks. CK_IFRO IF REMOTE command is available (and can run in remote mode). CK_INI_A System-wide init file takes precedence over user's. CK_INI_B User's init file takes precedence over the system-wide one. CK_LABELED Include support for SET FILE TYPE LABELED. CK_LBRK This version can send Long BREAK. CK_LINGER Add code to turn of TCP socket "linger" parameter. CK_MKDIR This version has a zmkdir() command to create directories. CK_NAWS Include TELNET Negotiate About Window Size support. CK_NEWTERM Use newterm() rather than initscr() to initialize curses. CK_PCT_BAR Fullscreen file transfer display should include "thermometer". CK_POLL System-V or POSIX based UNIX has poll() function. CK_POSIX_SIG Use POSIX signal handing: sigjmp_buf, sigsetjmp, siglongjmp. CK_READ0 read(fd,&x,0) can be used to test TCP/IP connections. CK_REDIR Enable the REDIRECT command. CK_RESEND Include the RESEND command (needs zfseek() + append). CK_RTSCTS RTS/CTS flow control is available. CK_SOCKBUF Enable TCP socket-buffer-size-increasing code. CK_SOCKS UNIX only: Build with socks library rather than regular sockets CK_SOCKS5 UNIX only: Build with socks 5 lib rather than regular sockets CK_SPEED Enable control-character unprefixing. CK_SYSINI="xxxxx" Quoted string to be used as system-wide init file name. CK_TIMERS Build with support for dynamically calculated packet timeouts. CK_TMPDIR This version of Kermit has an isdir() function. CK_TTYFD Defined on systems where the communications connection file descriptor (ttyfd) can be passed to other processes as a command-line argument via \v(ttyfd). CK_URL Parse URLs as well as hostnames, etc. CK_XONXOFF Xon/Xoff flow control available. CK_XYZ Include support for XYZMODEM protocols. CK_WREFRESH Curses package includes wrefresh(),clearok() for screen refresh. CKTYP_H=xxx Force include of xxx as file. CLSOPN When hanging up a tty device, also close and reopen it. CMDDEP Maximum recursion depth for self-referential user-defined fn's. COHERENT Build for Mark Williams Coherent UNIX CONGSPD Define if this version has congspd() routine in ck?tio.c datageneral Build for Data General AOS/VS or AOS/VS II DCLPOPEN popen() is available but needs to be declared DEC_TCPIP Build with support for DEC TCP/IP (UCX) for (Open)VMS DGUX430 Build for DG/UX 4.30 DGUX540 Build for DG/UX 5.40 DEFPAR=x Default parity, 0, 'e', 'o', 'm', or 's'. DFTTY=xxx Default communications device name. DIRENT UNIX directory structure to be taken from DIRPWDRP Prompt for password in REMOTE CWD command. DTILDE Include UNIX ~ notation for username/home-directory DYNAMIC Allocate file transfer packet buffers dynamically with malloc. ENCORE Build for Encore Multimax computers. EXCELAN Build with excelan TCP/IP. FT18 Build for Fortune For:Pro 1.8. FT21 Build for Fortune For:Pro 2.1. GEMDOS Build for Atari ST GEMDOS. GFTIMER Use high-precision floating-point file-transfer timers. GID_T=xxx Group IDs are of type xxx (usually int, short, or gid_t). HADDRLIST If gethostbyname() hostent struct contains a list of addresses. HDBUUCP Build with support for Honey DanBer UUCP. HPUX Build for Hewlett Packard HP-UX. HPUX9 Build for Hewlett Packard HP-UX 9.x. HPUX10 Build for Hewlett Packard HP-UX 10.x. HWPARITY Define if this version can SET PARITY HARDWARE { EVEN, ODD...} I386IX Build for Interactive System V R3. IFDEBUG Add IF stmts "if (deblog)" before "debug()" calls. INADDRX TCP/IP inet_addr() type is struct inaddr, not unsigned long. INTERLAN Build with support for Racal/Interlan TCP/IP. ISDIRBUG System defs of S_ISDIR and S_ISREG have bug, define ourselves. ISIII Build for Interactive System III. IX370 Build for IBM IX/370. KANJI Build with Kanji character-set translation support. LCKDIR UUCP lock directory is /usr/spool/uucp/LCK/. LFDEVNO UUCP lockfile name uses device numbers, as in SVR4. LINUXFSSTND For Linux, use FSSTND UUCP lockfile conventions (default). LOCK_DIR=xxx UUCP lock directory is xxx. LOCKF Use lockf() (in addition to lockfiles) on serial lines LONGFN BSD long filenames supported using and opendir(). LYNXOS Build for Lynx OS 2.2 or later (POSIX-based). MAC Build for Apple Macintosh with Mac OS. MATCHDOT Make wildcards match filenames that start with period (.) MAXRP=xxx Maximum receive-packet length. MAXSP=xxx Maximum send-packet length. MDEBUG Malloc-debugging requested. MINIDIAL Minimum modem dialer support: CCITT, Hayes, Unkown, and None. MINIX Build for MINIX. MIPS Build for MIPS workstation. MULTINET Build with support for TGV MultiNet TCP/IP (VAX/VMS). M_UNIX Defined by SCO. NAP The nap() is available (conflicts with SELECT and USLEEP) NAPHACK The nap() call is available but only as syscall(3112,...) NDIR BSD long filenames supported using and opendir(). NDGPWNAM Don't declare getpwnam(). NDSYSERRLIST Don't declare sys_errlist[]. NEEDSELECTDEFS select() is avaible but we need to define FD_blah ourselves. NETCMD Build with support for SET HOST /COMMAND and PIPE commands. NEXT Build for NeXT Mach 1.x or 2.x or 3.0, 3.1, or 3.2. NEXT33 Build for NeXT Mach 3.3. NOANSI Disable ANSI C function prototyping. NOAPC Do not include CK_APC code. NOB_xxxx Disable SET SPEED xxxx NOBIGBUF Override BIGBUFOK when it is the default NOBRKC Don't try to refer to t_brkc or t_eof tchars structure members. NOCCTRAP Disable Control-C (SIGINT) trapping. NOCKSPEED Disable control-prefix removal feature (SET CONTROL). NOCKTIMERS Build without support for dynamic timers. NOCKXYZ Overrides CK_XYZ. NOCKREGEX Do not include [...] or {xxx,xxx,xxx} matching in ckmatch(). NOCMDL Build with no command-line option processing. NOCOTFMC No Close(Open()) To Force Mode Change (UNIX version). NOCSETS Build with no support for character set translation. NOCYRIL Build with no support for Cyrillic character set translation. NOCYRILLIC Ditto. NODEBUG Build with no debug logging capability. NODIAL Build with no DIAL or SET DIAL commands. NODISPO Build to always refuse incoming MAIL or REMOTE PRINT files. DNODISPLAY Build with no file-transfer display. NOESCSEQ Build with no support for ANSI escape sequence recognition. NOFAST Do not make FAST Kermit protocol settings the default. NOFDZERO Do not use file descriptor 0 for remote-mode file transfer. NOFILEH Do not #include . NOFRILLS Build with "no frills" (this should be phased out...) NOFTRUNCATE Include this on UNIXes that don't have ftruncate(). NOGETUSERSHELL Include this on UNIXes that don't have getusershell(). NOGFTIMER Don't use high-precision floating-point file-transfer timers. NOHEBREW Build with no support for Hebrew character sets. NOHELP Build with no built-in help. NOIKSD Build with IKSD support excluded. NOINITGROUPS Include this on UNIXes that don't have initgroups(). NOICP Build with no interactive command parser. NOJC Build with no support for job control (suspend). NOKANJI Build with no support for Japanese Kanji character sets. NOKVERBS Build with no support for keyboard verbs (\Kverbs). NOLATIN2 Build with no ISO Latin-2 character-set translation support. NOLINKBITS Use of S_ISLNK and _IFLNK untrustworthy; use readlink() instead. NOLOCAL Build without any local-mode features: No Making Connections. NOLOGDIAL Disable connection log. NOLOGIN Build without IKSD (network login) support. NOLSTAT Not OK to use lstat(). NOMDMHUP Build without "modem-specific hangup" (e.g. ATH0) feature. NOMHHOST Exclude the multihomed-host TCP/IP code (if compilcation errors) NOMINPUT Build without MINPUT command. NOMSEND Build with no MSEND command. NONAWS Do not include TELNET Negotiate About Window Size support. NONET Do not include any network support. NOPARSEN Build without automatic parity detection. NOPIPESEND Disable file transfer using pipes and filters. NOPOLL Override CK_POLL definition. NOPOPEN The popen() library call is not available. NOPURGE Build with no PURGE command. NOPUSH Build with no escapes to operating system. NOREALPATH In UNIX, realpath() function is not available. NORECALL Disable the command-recall feature. NOREDIRECT Disable REDIRECT command. NORENAME Don't use rename() system call, use link()/unlink() (UNIX). NORESEND Build with no RESEND command. NORETRY Build with no command-retry feature. NOSCRIPT Build with no SCRIPT command. NOSELECT Don't try to use select(). NOSERVER Build with no SERVER mode and no server-related commands. NOSETBUF Don't make console writes unbuffered. NOSETREU setreuid() and/or setregid() not available. NOSHOW Build with no SHOW command (not recommended!). NOSIGWINCH Disable SIGWINCH signal trapping. NOSPL Build with no script programming language. NOSYMLINK Include this for UNIXes that don't have readlink(). NOSYSIOCTLH Do not #include . NOSYSTIMEH Co not include . NOSYSLOG Disable syslogging code. NOTCPOPTS Build with no SET TCP options or underlying support. NOTLOG Build with no support for transaction logging. NOUNICODE Build with no support for Unicode character-set translation. NOURL Don't parse URLs NOUUCP Build with no UUCP lockfile support (dangerous!). NOWARN Make EXIT WARNING be OFF by default (otherwise it's ON). NOWREFRESH Override built-in definition of CK_WREFRESH (q.v.). NOXFER Build with no Kermit or other file-transfer protocols. NOXMIT Build with no TRANSMIT command. NOXPRINT Disables transparent print code. OLDMSG Use old "entering server mode" message (see ckcmai.c). OLINUXHISPEED Build in old Linux hi-serial-speed code (for Linux <= 1.0). OPENBSD Build for OpenBSD. OS2 Build for OS/2. OSF Build for OSF/1. OSFPC Build for OSF/1 on a PC. OSF32 Digital UNIX 3.2 or later. OSF40 Build for Digital UNIX 4.0. OSF50 Build for Digital UNIX 5.0. OSK Build for OS-9. OXOS Build for Olivetti X/OS 2.3. PCIX Build for PC/IX PID_T=xxx Type for pids is xxx (normally int or pid_t). POSIX Build for POSIX: use POSIX header files, functions, etc. _POSIX_SOURCE Disable non-POSIX features. PROVX1 Build for Venix 1.0 on DEC Professional 3xx. PTX Build for Dynix/PTX PWID_T=xxx getpwid() type is xxx. RBSIZ=xxx Define overall size of receive-packet buffer (with DYNAMIC). RDCHK rdchk() system call is available. RENAME rename() system call is available (UNIX). RTAIX Build for AIX 2.2.1 on IBM RT PC. RTU Build for Masscomp / Concurrent RTU. SAVEDUID BSD or other non-AT&T UNIX has saved-setuid feature. SBSIZ=xxx Define overall size of send-packet buffer (use with DYNAMIC). SDIRENT Directory structure specified in . SELECT select() function available (conflicts with RDCHK and CK_POLL) SELECT_H Include for select()-releated definitions. SETEUID BSD 4.4-style seteXid() functions available. SIG_V Type for signal() is void. Used to override normal assumption. SIG_I Type for signal() is int. Used to override normal assumption. SOCKOPT_T Override default data type for get/setsockopt() option length. SOLARIS Build for Solaris. SOLARIS25 Build for Solaris 2.5 or later. SONYNEWS Build for Sony NEWS-OS. STERMIOX is available. STRATUS Build for Stratus VOS. STRATUSX25 Include Stratus VOS X.25 support. SUN4S5 Build for SUNOS 4.x in the System V R3 environment. SUNOS4 Build for SUNOS 4.0 in the BSD environment. SUNOS41 Build for SUNOS 4.1 in the BSD environment. SUNX25 Build with support for SunLink X.25. SVR3 Build for AT&T System V Release 3. SVR3JC Allow job control support on System V Release 3 UNIX versions. SVR4 Build for AT&T System V Release 4. SW_ACC_ID UNIX only -- swap real & effective ids around access() calls. sxaE50 Build for PFU Compact A Series SX/A TISP. SYSLOGLEVEL=n Force syslogging at given level. SYSTIMEH Include . SYSUTIMEH Include for setting file dates (88OPEN) TCPSOCKET Build with support for TCP/IP via Berkeley sockets library. TERMIOX header file is available (mostly SVR4). TNCODE Include TELNET-specific code. TOWER1 Build for NCR Tower 1632 with OS 1.02. TRS16 Build for Tandy 16/6000. UID_T=xxx Type for uids is xxx (normally int or uid_t). UNIX Must be defined for all UNIX versions. UNIX351M AT&T UNIX 3.51m on the AT&T 7300 UNIX PC. USE_LSTAT OK to use lstat(). USE_MEMCPY Define this if memcpy()/memset()/memmove() available. USE_STRERROR Define this if strerror() is available. USLEEP usleep() system call available (conflicts with NAP & SELECT). UTEK Build for Tektronix workstations with UTEK OS. UTIMEH Include for setting file dates (SVR4, POSIX) UTS24 Build for Amdahl UTS 2.4. V7 Build for Version 7 UNIX. VMS Build for VAX/VMS. VOID=xxx VOID type for functions (int or void). VXVE Build for CDC VX/VE 5.2.1. WAIT_T=xxx Type of argument passed to wait(). WINTCP Build with Wollongong VAX/VMS TCP/IP (implies TCPSOCKET) WOLLONGONG Build with Wollongong UNIX TCP/IP (implies TCPSOCKET) XENIX Build for Xenix (SCO, Tandy, others). XNDIR Support for BSD long filenames via . XYZ_INTERNAL Support for XYZMODEM protocols is internal, not external. ZFCDAT Define this if zfcdat() function is available in Kermit. ZILOG Build for Zilog ZEUS. ZJDATE Has zjdate() function that converts date to Julian format. XPRINT Transparent print code included in CONNECT module. (End of CKCCFG.TXT)