infoPager(TM) Version 1.10 Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Zebra Pushware Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved ==================================================================== License Agreement You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before installing and using this software. Your installation of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and the warranty and any other conditions specified in the License Agreement that can be found on Zebra's website at: Ownership This software is the sole property of Zebra Pushware Solutions, Inc. (hereafter Zebra). The license is for a single user who has the right to install the viewer on a single PC. The Viewer may not be copied or installed to a server, bulletin board or any other multi- user access point. The license does not include the right to alter or modify the infoPager Viewer in any means. News Sources Possession of this Viewer does not guarantee delivery of any news sources. Arrangements with news sources must be made by the individual user according to the terms of each news supplier. Governing Law If this product is installed by a user in the United States, this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York. If installed outside the United States, local laws may apply. Disclaimer of Warranty This program and all associated files are licensed "as is" and do not carry any warranties regarding computer performance, commercial viability or any other warranties expressed or implied. In partic- ular, there is no warranty with respect to the absence of viruses or with respect to any damage which may result from installing or operating this software. Proper computing practice requires a trial run of any program in non- mission critical environments. These tests should be run with non-critical data before relying on the Viewer for mission critical or other important applications. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. The liability of the software vendor is limited exclusively to replace- ment of a defective program against return of the defective disk. Registration After installation the user is required to supply a one time registration information as a candidate for the license to go into effect. Written documentation may be obtained from Zebra at a cost of $29.99 plus postage/handling. Distribution The licensed user may not transfer or distribute the software to a third party without the express written consent of Zebra. Acknowledgement The JPEG support in this software is based on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.