HJ-TreePad version 2.6 readme.txt This package contains the following files: Treepad.exe (the program itself) manual.hjt (the full TreePad manual in TreePad format) manual.txt (a concise text version of the manual) readme.txt (this file) description.txt (a description file, for software distributors and web masters) hjhSoftware.hjt (a TreePad test file) fileformat.txt (explaining the TreePad file format) announcement.txt (A text file announcing TreePad) What is TreePad? TreePad is an easy-to-use information manager/text database program. With this version TreePad, you can structure your personal notes and information in an orderly fashion. You do not have to worry about finding it back, because TreePad has extended search functions. HJ-TreePad is a freeware program. This program may be used, distributed and copied freely under the following conditions: This program and any of the accompanying files may not be changed. If distributed, it must be clear that it is freeware or shareware. Installing HJ-TreePad Automatic install is not yet available, therefore: Unzip all the files into one directory. You can run it by double clicking on the Treepad.exe file in the Windows explorer. You can also drag Treepad.exe from the Windows explorer into the start-button, a program group or the desktop to create a shortcut to Treepad. Using HJ-TreePad The manual is contained in the files Manual.hjt and Manual.txt. Manual.hjt (the tree file) contains much more information then Manual.txt. Use Manual.txt only for learning the basics. To view Manual.txt, load Manual.txt in notepad or another text editor. Manual.hjt can only be viewed with Treepad itself. Henk Hagedoorn HJH Software software@freebyte.com hjh@usa.net http://www.freebyte.com Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1998